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Various Deep Learning Algorithms in Computational Intelligence

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PSO; sign language recognition; optimization of convolutional neural networks; breast segmentation; mammogram; deep learning; semantic segmentation; radar image prediction; rain radar; precipitation nowcasting; UNet; PredRNN_v2; cubical complex; cubical homology; image classification; persistent homology; labor exports; Northeast Asian Countries; backpropagation neural network (BPNN); k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN); random forest regression (RFR); decision making; emotion distribution learning; text-based emotion analysis; affective words; multi-task CNN; ghettos; GIS; networks; Washington D.C.; machine learning; segregation; hybrid deep learning; time series; LSTM; Stacked LSTM; CNN-LSTMs; BDLSTM; CNN; GRU; modeling; SARS-CoV-2; generative adversarial network; image generation; image synthesis; GAN; generative model; Inception score; scoreGAN; waste classification; angle detection box; dynamic smoothing; YOLOv5; computer vision; object detection; traffic sign detection; you only look once (YOLO); attention mechanism; feature fusion; barrier options; Black–Scholes model; polynomial regression; random forest regression; artificial neural network; option Greeks; data analysis; ski goggles lenses; surface defect; automatic optical inspection; Faster-RCNN; fine-tune; MobileNetV3; FPN; RPN; DNS; firewall; malicious; domain; name; n/a

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