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Big Data Analytics and Information Science for Business and Biomedical Applications II

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

bandwidth selection; correlation; edge-preserving image denoising; image sequence; jump regression analysis; local smoothing; nonparametric regression; spatio-temporal data; linear mixed model; ridge estimation; pretest and shrinkage estimation; multicollinearity; asymptotic bias and risk; LASSO estimation; high-dimensional data; big data adaptation; dividend estimation; options markets; weighted least squares; online health community; social support; network analysis; cancer; functional principal component analysis; functional predictor; linear mixed-effects model; mobile device; sparse group regularization; wearable device data; Bayesian modeling; functional regression; gestational weight; infant birth weight; joint modeling; longitudinal data; maternal weight gain; transfer learning; deep learning; pretrained neural networks; chest X-ray images; lung diseases; causal structure learning; consistency; FCI algorithm; high dimensionality; nonparametric testing; PC algorithm; fMRI; functional connectivity; brain network; Human Connectome Project; statistics

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