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The Effects of LED Light Spectra and Intensities on Plant Growth

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Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don; alkaloid content; callus; in vitro culture; LED lights; light intensity; saponarin; isoorientin; hexacosanol; octacosanol; fatty acyl-coenzyme A reductase (FAR); blue LED; flower bud formation; number of flowers; photoperiod; photomorphogenesis; blue photon flux density; functional structural plant modelling; indoor farming; LED lighting; artificial lighting; energy use efficiency; protected horticulture; light exposure; far-red illumination; medicinal plants; water use efficiency; growth analysis; canopy size; incident light; light interception; light use efficiency; mizuna; projected canopy size; quantum yield of photosystem II; blue light; Cucumis sativus L. (cucumber); green light; light-emitting diode (LED); morphology; photosynthesis; red light; intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE); photostationary state of phytochrome (PSS); photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD); yield photon flux (YPF); medicinal plant; Scutellaria baicalensis; flavones; metabolites; light-emitting diode; daily light integral; volatile organic compounds; energy consumption; plant morphology; biomass efficacy; sodium lamps; plants cultivation; silicon fertilizer; red-leaved lettuce; green-leaved lettuce; CoeLux®; LEDs; light spectrum; Arabidopsis thaliana; growth and development; confined environment; low light; mint; monoterpenes; solid phase microextraction (SPME); hydroponics; LED supplement; LED light; fluorescent light; UV light; elicitation; plant secondary metabolites; plant in vitro cultures; LED; ascorbic acid; chlorophylls; carotenoids; light quality; tomato; greenhouse; light spectra; root stock; photosensors; host-pathogen interaction; resistance genes; gene regulation; bacterial growth; Erwinia amylovora; circadian rhythms; optogenetics; Internet of Things (IoT); optimal control; supplemental lighting in greenhouses; image processing; light-emitting diodes (LEDs); intra-canopy illumination; interlighting; bell pepper; fruit set; daily light integral (DLI); Lactuca sativa; plant factory; chlorophyll fluorescence; carbon isotope discrimination; light fluence rate; growth regulators; alfalfa; growth; adaption; n/a

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