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Plant Genomics

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Solanum lycopersicum; UGlcAE gene family; identification; characterization; plant hormones; gene expression; Jatropha curcas; Dof gene family; transcription factor; phylogenetic analysis; gene expression analysis; warming; BrHSFA2; BrHSP18.2s; transcriptome; alternative splicing; Kenshin; Verbena bonariensis; drought stress; transcriptome sequencing; differentially expressed genes; analysis; non-coding RNA; transcriptomes; bell pepper; chilling injury; longan; WRKY; expression analysis; flower induction; abiotic stress; chitin-binding protein; chitinase; pepper; expression; biotic stress; flax; genome-wide association study (GWAS); selective sweep; genotyping by sequencing (GBS); bi-parental population; single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP); seed yield; plant height; maturity; fatty acid composition; DNA methylation; flower color chimera; bisulfate sequencing; comparative epigenomes; transposon; ornamental Prunus mume; novel accessions; PIC; PCR; EST-gSSRs; genes; genetic distance; apple; SAP gene family; function analysis; osmotic stress; mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK); kiwifruit; phylogenetic relationships; biotic and abiotic stresses; genotyping-by-sequencing; Agropyron; genetic diversity; genetic structure; SNP; flaxseed; Linum usitatissimum; GWAS; seed mucilage content; seed hull content; ZmWRKY106; drought tolerance; thermotolerance; maize; Pyrus hopeiensis; cp genome; IR boundary; phylogeny; Betula halophile; salt stress; Cleistogenes songorica; LEA proteins; abiotic stresses; flow cytometry; genome size; nuclear DNA content; reference genome assembly; standardization; upland cotton; TCP genes; miR319; target genes; tea; hydroxycinnamoyl transferase; ABA signaling; hormone; stress responsive mechanism; salt tolerance; transgenic hairy root assay; soybean; regulation and efficiency of translation; genome-wide scale; experimental approaches; computational algorithms; features of plant mRNAs; EXO70; Haynaldia villosa; gene family; phylogenetic relationship; subcellular localization; expression profiling; rice; trihelix transcription factor; stress response; light; genomic selection; genomic prediction; genotyping by sequencing; pasmo resistance; pasmo severity; quantitative trait loci; single nucleotide polymorphism; Septoria linicola; Phyllostachys edulis; Dof transcription factor; flowering time; satellite DNA; genome evolution; plants; next-generation sequencing; high order repeats

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