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Insights into Organic Carbon, Iron, Metals and Phosphorus Dynamics in Freshwaters

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

river flux; weathering; organic matter; permafrost; trace element; river; lake; trace metals; carbon; season; thermokarst; Western Siberia; wetland; dissolved iron; Amur river; hydrochemistry; forest; landscape; lithology; carbonate rocks; major element; river water; major ions; background concentration; water discharge; northern West Siberia; bog; iron; colloids; freshwater mussels; trace elements; biominerals; bioindicators; Northeastern Europe; boreal; subarctic; geochemistry of phosphorus; continental runoff; river mouth; snow; heavy metal; gas flaring; pollution; BLM; TOC; DOC; Fe; historical data; metals; nutrients; watershed; n/a

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