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Otoliths and Their Applications in Fishery Science

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

sagittal otolith; somatic growth; long-lived fishes; ontogeny; teleost anatomy; development; fish morphology; Fourier; marking; alizarin complexone; hard tissue; fin ray; otolith; scale; silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix); age; growth; otoliths; morphometry; Sphyraena sphyraena; fish age determination; Greenland halibut; deep learning; dataset shift; domain adaptation; red snapper; wavelet; genetic diversity; population structure; asteriscus; side effect; otolith shape; geographical effect; temperature effect; pH; brook trout; fish kill; anadromy; otolith microchemistry; crucian carp; strontium; marking efficiency; restocking; time delay; fish otoliths; CNN; age determination; web tool; Kokanee; homing; stocking; Anguilla anguilla; fish biology; ecosystem variability; minho river; stock assessment; Coilia nasus; river estuary; Yellow Sea; elemental signature; stable isotopic signature; stock spatial structure; atherinids; trade-off; daily growth; spawning; European hake; length–frequency distribution; sex-ratio; hydro-morpho-sedimentary characteristics; marginal increment analysis; band deposition; Thunnus thynnus; growth curves; edge analysis; growth performance index; quartile of marginal growth band method; k-fold cross-validation; back-calculation; n/a

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