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Dental Materials: Dental Materials
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
MIH; hypersensitivity; enamel infiltration; hypomineralization; marginal adaptation; fixed partial denture; dental technology; cobalt–chromium alloys; scanning electron microscopy; titanium; dental implants; hydrophilic; hydrocarbon; biological ageing; UV photofunctionalization; alveolar bone defects; guided bone regeneration; titanium meshes; customized titanium meshes; laser melting process; electron beam melting; composite restoration; microleakage; oblique layering technique; horizontal layering technique; composite; fluorescence; de-bonding; residuals; enamel damage; orthodontics; radiolucent sign; OPG; CBCT; third molar; oral surgery; periapical sign; biofilm; bone healing capacity; infected gutta-percha; rat calvarium; zirconia; airborne particle abrasion; femtosecond laser; flexural strength; surface roughness; bond strength; brackets; dry; wet and moistened enamel; adhesion; calcium phosphate; radiation-induced center; hyperfine interaction; EDNMR; ESEEM; ENDOR; biomaterial; bone regeneration; bone substitute; dental implant; octacalcium phosphate; TiN ion plating; metal allergy; orthodontic wire; micro-implants; success rate; insertion; loading; biocompatibility; compliance; dental material; restorative material; glass ionomer; resin-modified glass ionomer; pH; acidity; oral environment; dental filling; dental restoration; apical negative pressure irrigation; calcium hydroxide removal; intracanal medicament; mechanical activation; ultrasonic activation; osseoincorporation; osseointegration; trabecular metal; guided tissue regeneration; barrier membranes; allergology; demineralized dentin matrix; human demineralized dentin matrix; human; bone graft; FT-MIR; SEM; n/a
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