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Energy Policy, Regulation and Sustainable Development

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

energy market; stock market; mood; emotions; weather; causality; industry; renewable energy; CO2 emissions; Sub-Saharan Africa; pollution charges; green technology innovation; industrial enterprise; heterogeneity analysis; oil prices; inflation; exchange rate; goodwill; impairment of goodwill; quality of financial statements; energy sector; mining; fuel; disclosures of financial information; nearly zero-energy housing; NZEB; barriers; perceptions; housing professionals; sustainability transition; energy; green indicators; blue indicators; carbon neutrality; nonlinear ARDL; European Union; sustainable energy development; energy transformation; energy strategy; taxonomical analysis; ranking; TOPSIS method; renewable energy transition; non-euro area; panel data; Granger causality; VECM; human capital; CO2 emission; FDI; technological innovation; carbon emission efficiency; carbon emission; renewable energy sources; government regulations; subsidy programmes; prosumers; micro-installations; regression discontinuity design; green taxes; greenhouse gas emissions; indicators of reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; sustainable development; green energy; innovation; trends; bibliometric analysis

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