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Comparative Professional Pedagogy

Título en otros idiomas:

Porìvnâlʹna Profesìjna Pedagogìka

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
the challenge of Comparative Pedagogy is to combine the study of education elsewhere with the study of teaching and learning in a way which respects both of these fields of enquiry yet also creates something which is more than the sum of their parts. Comparative Professional Pedagogy is a peer reviewed international journal edited by the Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and the Center of Professional Comparative Pedagogy of Khmelnitsky National University. The scientific medium publishes research studies dealing with the problems of professional education in different countries, systematically disseminating the results of scientific research and developments in the topical issues of comparative professional pedagogy, efficiently informing the scientific world thereof, attracting national and foreign scientists to the comparative research of professional education abroad. Range of problems covered by the journal includes: theoretical and methodological bases of comparative pedagogics in the issues of professional and adults education in the context of globalization, educators' training, conditioned by cultural pluralism; theoretical and current strategies and trends of education development from the point of view of comparative studies, foreign experience of solving socio-pedagogical issues of educational systems development; psychological and pedagogical aspects of realizing foreign approaches to the specialists' professional training, the development of their life and professional competencies under the conditions of integration processes.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Comparative Education; Pedagogy; Educational curriculum; Professional Education; Education management

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