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Ecological Transition and Circular Economy

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

sustainable asset lifecycle; circular economy; design for deconstruction; barriers; sustainable approach; critical literature review; energy transition; knowledge economy (knowledge-based economy); Industry 4.0; transformation of mining in Poland; municipal waste; waste sorting; waste management; waste recovery; municipal waste charging; waste disposal; resource use; greenhouse; industries; textual analysis; biogas; anaerobic digestion; manure; greenhouse gases; methane; nitrous oxide; environmental impacts; energy sustainability; green energy; carbon emissions; cost of energy; energy portfolio; resource availability; carbon emission rights allocation; ZSG-DEA; China’s power sector; YREB; spatiotemporal differentiation; cultural evolution; linguistic ecology; neutral model; selection and drift; economic concepts; ecological concepts; perceived consumer effectiveness; towel reuse; willingness to sacrifice; environmental consciousness; environmental knowledge; circular economy for food; sustainable food supply chains; systemic approach; multi-stakeholder approach; public food policy; local agri-food system; food waste management; urban sustainability; circular cities; indicators; ecological footprint; renewable energy; augmented ARDL; dynamic ARDL; frequency domain causality; export; India; climate change; forest vulnerability; Himalaya; sustainability reporting; disclosure; sustainability; stakeholder theory; methods; evaluating metrics; supply chains; socio-biodiversity; bioeconomy

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