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Molecular Mechanism and Application of Somatic Cell Cloning in Mammals

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

cloned mammalian embryo; SCNT-derived progeny; mtDNA; nuclear–mitochondrial interaction; epigenetic reprogrammability; telomere shortening/attrition; domestic goat; somatic cell cloning; SCNT-derived embryo; genetically engineered specimen; gene targeting; genome editing; biopharmacy; biomedicine; nutri-biotechnology; genetically modified pig; epidermal keratinocyte; human α-1,2-fucosyltransferase; human α-galactosidase A; Galα1→3Gal epitope; pig; ovary; putative stem cells; nandrolone; boldenone; neoplastic transformation; cloned dog; brachygnathia inferior; whole-genome sequencing; Wnt signaling pathway; equine; dermal fibroblast cell; sarcoid; nucleofection; oncogenic/neoplastic transformation; RNA-Seq; NGS; transcriptome; oocyte; cumulus cells; 3D in vitro maturation; endocrine-active compounds; molecular quality; apoptotic cell death; mitochondria; mitophagy; domestic horse; dermal tissue; molecular pathway; ECM remodeling; cell adhesion; procancerous tumorigenesis; RNA-seq; swine; trichostatin A; epigenetic transformation; ex vivo model; tri-genetically modified; ACFC line; HLA-E; rhα-Gal A; rhα1,2-FT; α-Gal antigenic determinant; porcine skin xenograft; equine chondrocytes; 5-AZA-dc and TSA epigenetic modifiers; n/a

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