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Sustainable Functional Food Processing

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

dehydration; conserving vegetables; improving shelf-life; rehydrated pepper; histological preparation; green practices; meat analogue; liquid additives; soy protein isolate; lecithin; emulsion; functional fruit juice; hurdle technology; non-thermal processing; preservation; quality; probiotic; fruit by-products; lulo bagasse powder; fiber; antioxidant properties; carotenoids; cocoa shell; high voltage electrical discharge; tannin; dietary fiber; water binding capacity; grindability; traditional; slow; pressure and microwave cooking; polyphenols; antioxidant activity; faba bean; lentil; pea; probiotic safety; toxicity; pathogenicity; functional food industry; pharmacological interactions; functional fruit juices; mushroom; vitamin D; reducing capacity; glycation; Lactuca sativa; metabolomics; antioxidants; eustress; total soluble solids; particle size distribution; total anthocyanin content; antioxidant capacity; non-dairy beverages; pulses; chickpea; lupin; flow behavior; animal and plant proteins; computer vision system; nutritional value; texture; water activity; viscosity; microstructure; heavy metals; amino acids; pesticide; fruit wastes; vegetable wastes; drying; extraction; intensification technologies; phenolic acids; food processing; minimally processed foods; UHLPC-MS/MS; sous-vide cooking; vegetables; seafood; cephalopods; safety; nutritive quality; beetroot; convective drying; infrared drying; purée; Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy; confocal scanning microscopy; fruit juice; interaction; drug; phytochemical; pharmacokinetics; ginger; pineapple; turmeric; juice mix; physicochemical properties; microbiological quality; sensory attributes; Diospyros kaki; post-harvest losses; dehydrated persimmon; thin-layer modeling; drying rate; old apple cultivar; biologically active compounds; functional food; agriculture; extensive farming; bisphosphonates; SERMs; food; supplements; bioavailability; meal; coffee; juice; mineral water; edible mushroom; nutrition; phenolic compounds; vacuum; poria cubes; optimization; stage drying; n/a

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