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Phototrophic Bacteria

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria; chlorophototroph; thermophile; hot spring; bacteriochlorophyll; Alphaproteobacteria; cyanophage; Nostoc sp.; label-free quantitative proteomics; photosynthesis; substance metabolism; energy metabolism; purple sulfur bacteria; genomic phylogeny; Ectothiorhodospiraceae; Halorhodospiraceae; new family and genus; scytonemin; ultraviolet radiation; high light; cyanobacteria; Acaryochloris; chlorophyll; genomics; far-red photosynthesis; plasmid; horizontal gene transfer; Rhodocyclus; purpureus; tenuis; gracilis; HiPIP; cobalamin; whole genome sequencing; taxonomy; chlorophyll d; Moss Beach; photosynthetic pigments; absorbance spectra; genome sequence; Photosystem II; oxygenic photosynthesis; photosynthetic reaction center; cryo-electron microscopy; cyclic electron flow; ferredoxin-NADP reductase; NDH-1; proton motive force; thylakoid; anoxygenic phototrophs; heliobacteria; bacteriochlorophyll g; Heliophilum fasciatum; Heliobacteria; promoters; reporters; gene expression; phototrophic bacteria; transcriptional regulation; gene transfer; persulfide; redox signaling; cyclic GMP; PpsR ortholog; AerR photoreceptor; light regulation; photosynthesis gene regulators; two-component system; RegA; aerobic; copper ion; disulfide bond; DNA binding; gene regulation; purple phototrophic bacteria; extremophile; Halorhodospira halochloris; Halorhodospira abdelmalekii; light-harvesting 1 reaction center; bacteriochlorophyll b; thermal stability; salt- and pH-dependence; near infrared; stromatolite; shark bay; reduction-oxidation; photosystem II; phycobilisome; RNase; light-harvesting; aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs; AAP; Rhodobacter; purple nonsulfur bacteria; Yellowstone; xanthorhodopsin; vitamin B12; frameshifting; evolution; chelatase; chlIDH; cobNST; phototrophic extracellular electron uptake; comparative genomics; transcriptomics; Rhodovulum sulfidophilum; Rhodovulum visakhapatnamense; ancestral sequence reconstruction; chlorophyll f; far-red light photoacclimation; Synechococcus sp. PCC 7335; Chloroflexus aurantiacus; proteomic analysis; respiration; chlorosome; alternative complex III; phylogenomic and comparative genomic analyses; conserved signature indels (CSIs); molecular signatures; class Chlorobia and the families Chlorobiaceae and Chloroherpetonaceae; Ignavibacteria; uncultured species/strains related to Chlorobia/Ignavibacteria; FNR; NDH; photoheterotrophic growth; comparative genome analysis; cyanobacterial photoreceptors; phycobiliproteins; chromatic acclimation; linker proteins; phylogenetic comparison; halophiles; alkaliphiles; nitrogen fixation; diazotroph; Rhodovulum tesquicola; hydrogen; electron transport; photosystem I; microbial ecology of lakes; bacterial community; Lake Winnipeg; food web dynamics; picoplankton; bacterioplankton; carotenoid; Synechocystis; zeta-carotene isomerase (Z-ISO)

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