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Biodiversity, Distribution and Conservation of Plants and Fungi: Effects of Global Warming and Environmental Stress

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

1 new taxon; Agaricomycetes; Basidiomycota; biodiversity; climate change; Inocybaceae; taxonomy; spinach; biochar; AMF; plant growth; root morphological traits; chlorophyll content; soil enzymes and microbial biomass; boletes; morphology; phylogeny; new taxa; DNA metabarcoding; phylogenetic structure; habitat filtering; molecular phylogeny; fungal ecology; multi-gene phylogeny; plant pathogen; soil-borne fungi; tree disease; ascomycetous yeast; distribution; new species; Wickerhamomyces; mushrooms; trace elements; rare earth elements; urban soils; forest; Boletales; bolete diversity; biogeography; mycorrhizal fungi; metal(loid)s pollution; soil; plants; waste; recyclable substrates; oyster fungi; antioxidants; phenolic compounds; n/a

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