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Boreal Bird Ecology, Management and Conservation

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

boreal; buffering; climate change; forest bird; macroclimate; population decline; protected areas; topographic heterogeneity; bird distribution and abundance; boreal birds; Canada Warbler; Cardellina canadensis; Zonation; reserve design; Euphagus carolinus; nest success; post-fledging; rusty blackbird; survivorship; streams; wetlands; range periphery; spruce–fir forests; range shift; community dynamics; red squirrel; wetland; point count; remotely sensed landscape data; unmarked; boreal forest; clear-cutting; conservation; forest management; old-growth forest; Picoides dorsalis; Black Belt Prairie; citizen science; machine learning; niche modeling; group size; habitat use; species distribution models; Rusty Blackbird; boreal wetlands; aquatic macroinvertebrates; foraging ecology; occupancy modeling; genetic diversity; glacial refugia; phylogeography; n/a

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