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Smart Monitoring and Control in the Future Internet of Things

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

atmospheric; on-line monitoring; LoRa; embedded system; smart environments; Internet of Things; indoor occupancy; machine learning; data analysis; landslide susceptibility; China-Nepal Highway; LSTM; remote sensing images; IoT; network traffic; monitoring; DDoS; packet classification; indoor localization; channel state information; device-free passive; WiFi fingerprint; naive Bayes classification; feature fusion; posture recognition; indoor positioning; wireless body area network; Kalman filtering; multi-sensor combination; prognostic and health management; integrative framework; internet of things; convolutional neural network; conditioned-based maintenance; IoT platform; intelligent monitoring robot; active CCTV; learning model; electrical devices; classification; energy management; smart environment; architecture; blockchain; communication constraints; decentralized application; Ethereum; Internet of things; sensing and control; computational efficiency; robotic manipulators; hysteresis; adaptive control; wireless sensor network (WSN); energy; ant colony optimization (ACO); routing algorithm; quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms

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