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Coastal Geohazard and Offshore Geotechnics

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

wave motion; offshore deposits; seabed response; FEM; pore pressure; wave-current-seabed interaction; RANS equations; k-ε model; current velocity; seabed liquefaction; liquefaction; lateral displacement; response surface method (RSM); artificial neural network (ANN); wave action; silty sand; seepage flow; soil erosion; pore-pressure accumulation; three-phase soil model; immersed tunnel; trench; numerical study; porous seabed; pumping well test; groundwater fluctuation; stratum deformation; micro-confined aquifer; wave–current–seabed interaction; Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokesequations; buried pipeline; k-ε turbulence model; oscillatory liquefaction; wave-soil-pipeline interactions; meshfree model; local radial basis functions collocation method; hydrate-bearing sediments; damage statistical constitutive model; multi-field coupling; wellbore stability; bridge scour; identification; ambient vibration; field application; natural frequency; mode shape; superstructure; cable-stayed bridge; Principal stress rotation; dynamic loading; wave (current)-induced soil response; open-ended pile; soil plug; offshore wind turbines; lateral cyclic loading; model test; discrete element simulation; rock-socketed piles; monopiles; impedances; dynamic responses; buoyancy; bottom-supported foundation; field test; numerical analysis; giant submarine landslides; shelf break; South China Sea; Himalayan orogeny; repeated submarine landslides; coastal-embankment slope; stability; unsaturated soil; multilayered; matric suction; random searching algorithm; rainfall infiltration; scour; soft clay; monopile; stress history; hypoplastic model; submarine pipeline; dense seabed foundation; seismic dynamics; resonance of submarine pipeline; FSSI-CAS 2D; n/a

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