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A Systems Approach for River and River Basin Restoration

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

River thermal pollution; Mechanistic model; Urban hydrology; Riparian shading; Heat balance; functional indicators; stream restoration; riparian vegetation; fencing; cotton tensile-strength loss; wood decay; ecosystem metabolism; organic matter transport; catchment restoration; structure-function relationships; total water pollutant control; pollutant load allocation; equity and efficiency; regional and site-specific scale; environmental Gini coefficient models; Delphi-analytic hierarchy process models; water quality in streams; self-purification; nitrates; phosphates; hyporheic zone; hyporheic exchange; evapotranspiration; groundwater modeling; environmental flow component; Ethiopia; holistic environmental flow assessment; hydrological foundation; indicators of hydrologic alteration software; Lake Tana; boulder spacing; submergence ratio; near-bed shear stress; Reynolds shear stress; turbulent events; river engineering; meander bend; CFD simulation; hydraulic complexity; flood mapping; uncertainty; Bayesian inference; rating curve; watershed; systems; restoration

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