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Climate Change and Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

silver fir; radial growth; wood characteristics; drought response; climate change; current annual increment; percentage volume increment; basal area; tree diameter; tree form-height; air pollution; increment cores; Norway spruce; radial growth series; gas exchange; ecosystem restoration; mountain forests; photosynthesis; diagnostic assessment; forest ecosystem; reference information; restoration plan; biodiversity; forests; valuing ecosystem services; policy making; SWAT; hydrological model; sensitivity analysis; calibration; validation; small forested watershed; temperate forests; climate change effects; Southern Carpathian forest management; forest growth; forest biomass; virgin forests; ecosystem services; natural capital; socio-economic system; ecological indicators; terrestrial laser scanning; aerial laser scanning; LANDIS-II; PnET; Southern Carpathians; production; species composition; species abundance; Romanian temperate forests; n/a

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