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Sustainable Rural Development: Sustainable Rural Development

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

industrial land; price; geographically weighted regression model; driving factors; rural land system reform pilot; land lease market; decision making; forest market factors; rural land rights; China; hunting tourism; natural protected area; sustainable development; land use change; analyze; Shortandy district; smart villages; EU instruments; rural decline; rural areas; information and communication technologies; rural residential construction; rainwater harvesting; solar; spray foam; finger-jointed studs; Proder Program; management system; economic diversification; bottom-up approach; regional identity; territorial heritage; rural areas in decline; rural enhancement; top-down approach; collaborative governance; low-density populated areas; sustainable urban growth; technological era; complex spatial models; land-use planning; sustainable rural development; regional composite indicators; vulnerability; ecosystem services; goal programming; analytic hierarchy process; data envelopment analysis; Spain; accessibility; GIS; partnerships; population; rural territory; territorial planning; neo-endogenous rural development; LEADER approach; classification and types of rural areas; good practices; rural depopulation and aging; young and female entrepreneurs; entrepreneurship; funded and unfunded projects; Andalusia; rural landscape; intensive agriculture; landscape transformation; socioeconomic and environmental impacts; agroecological production; public institutions; rurality; fishing tourism; European fishing funds; Galicia (Spain); local action group; rural development; industrial district; local productive system; rural district; n/a

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