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Contemporary Natural Philosophy and Philosophies - Part 1: Contemporary Natural Philosophy and Philosophies - Part 1

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

pessimistic induction; n/a; qualitative ontology; dissipative structures; physicalism; agent-based reasoning; thermodynamics; the logic of nature; reverse mathematics; theoretical unity; state-space approach; common good; naturalization of logic; monad; metaphysics; reflexive psychology; knowledge; neurodynamics; consciousness; third-way reasoning; induction and discovery of laws; mind-matter relations; exoplanet; Second Law of thermodynamics; unitarity; philosophical foundations; in the name of nature; big crunch; epistemology; eco-cognitive model; active imagination; aesthetics in science; science; second-person description; subsumptive hierarchy; 1st-person and 3rd-person perspectives; discursive space; space flight; complexity; cybernetics; cosmology; matter; realism; eco-cognitive openness; hylomorphism; measurement; fallacies; induction; vacuum; physics; mental representation; embodiment; problem of induction; contradiction; internalism; Jungian psychology; synthesis; exceptional experiences; mind; relational biology; symmetry breaking; emergence; phenomenological psychology; Aristotle’s four causes; humanistic management; real computing; A.N. Whitehead; final cause; naturalism; induction and concept formation; temporality; dispositions; dark energy; heterogeneity; Naturphilosophie; computation; causality; memory evolutive system; natural philosophy; quantum computing; philosophy of information; self; information; analytical psychology; logic; indeterminacy; scientific method; dialectics; computability; language; ethics; perception; philosophy of nature; agonism; errors of reasoning; everyday lifeworld; emptiness; awareness; unity of knowledge; digitization; fitness; depth psychology; info-computational model; creativity; ontology; philosophy as a way of life; development; void; big freeze; signal transduction; abduction; retrocausality; dual-aspect monism; quantum information; theoretical biology; acategoriality; epistemic norms; evolutionary psychology; apophasis; differentiation; memory; centripetality; mathematics; Leibniz; Ivor Leclerc; spatial representation; subjective experience; intentionality; evidence and justification; internal quantum state; scientific progress; holographic encoding; information-theory; qualia; anticipation; naturalization; F.W.J. Schelling; L. Smolin; R.M. Unger; Aristotle; dual aspects; process; theory of everything; philosophy of science; cognition; compositional hierarchy; autocatalysis; discourse; emergentist reductionism; form; regulation; contingency; endogenous selection; category theory

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