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Advanced Signal Processing Techniques Applied to Power Systems Control and Analysis

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI); Distributed Energy Resources (DER); Distribution Management System (DMS); Graph Reduction in Parallel (GRIP); Intelligent Electronic Device (IED); Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI); Service Oriented Architecture (SOA); Ultra Large-Scale System (ULSS); photovoltaic systems; MPPT technique; partial shading; global MPP (GMPP); nature-inspired algorithms; congestion management; power flow; generator rescheduling; Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA); Pumped Hydro Storage Unit (PHSU); ancillary services; grid; inverter; PV; reactive power; solar; Quasi-Z source inverter (QZSI); Y source inverter (YSI); energy storage system (ESS); hybrid renewable energy sources (HRES); demand; load; RBFNOEHO technique; common mode current; common mode voltage; modulation techniques; electromagnetic interference; mitigation; grid connected inverters; rotor angle; small signal stability; householder algorithm; power systems; electric vehicles; charging station; transformer; Energy PLAN; renewable energy; maximum demand (MD); solar PV; battery energy storage system (BESS); net energy metering (NEM); maximum demand reduction (MDRed) model; power quality; voltage variations; PV system; aggregation times; correlation analysis; harmonic analysis; wavelet transform; wavelet packet; measurement techniques; cloud services; trust management; secure computing; smart meter; LBSS; user-aware power regulatory model

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