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The Alveolar Epithelium: Mechanisms of Injury and Repair

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

JAM-A; P2X7 receptor; mouse lung; alveolar epithelium; bleomycin-induced lung injury; GSK-3β; dietary sugar; hyperglycemia; lung mechanics; alveolar septal composition; physical activity; extracellular matrix remodeling; high-altitude pulmonary edema; acute mountain sickness; oxygen diffusion limitation; surfactant protein B; atelectrauma; alveolar fluid; acinar micromechanics; acute lung injury; autophagy; lysosome; lysosomal membrane permeability; mitochondria; pneumocyte; microRNA-21; alveolar micromechanics; structural remodeling; inflammatory signaling; lung; alveolus; type 1 alveolar epithelial cell; type 2 alveolar epithelial cell; focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy; 3D reconstruction; carbon dioxide; hypercapnia; Na,K-ATPase; endoplasmic reticulum; sodium transport; protein oxidation; alveolar epithelial cells; pulmonary fibrosis; epithelial cell dysfunction; stem cell exhaustion; pneumonia; necrotizing; regeneration; model; bovine; chlamydia; alveoli; air-blood barrier; epithelium; air-liquid interface; alveolar lining layer; glycocalyx; surfactant; lung injury; lung regeneration

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