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Tribology and Surface Engineering

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

hardening; microstructure; stainless steel; WC-12Co coatings; gear oil; high velocity oxygen fuel spraying (HVOF); material deformation; thermochemical treatment; wetting behavior; cracking behavior; properties of surface layers; wear resistance; nitriding; thermal spraying; surface engineering; Cu–Sn; wear behavior; K417G Ni-based superalloy; tribology; AISI 316L; joint replacements; reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering; micropitting; scuffing; laser forming repairing; Ti6Al4V; wire arc spray; cavitation erosion; surface modification; HVOF; wear; surface morphology; S-phase; wood sanding; friction behavior; competitive mechanism; tribological properties; steel gears; coating; DLC coating; PTFE; laser texturing; surface characterization; elastic spring back; laser remelting; XANES spectroscopy; coatings; abrasive wear; silicon nitride; pitting; TiO2 sol; ploughing; lubricous oxides; electrodeposition

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