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Water Quality of Freshwater Ecosystems in a Temperate Climate
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
biomanipulation; chlorophyll-a; hypolimnion aeration; nutrients; phosphorus inactivation; invertebrates; hydrological regime; diversity; water bodies; water quality; strontium isotopes; springs; meromictic lake; eutrophication; catchment; nutrient load; agriculture; European Water Framework Directive; shallow lake; stratified lake; functional groups of phytoplankton; innovative method of restoration; oxygenation near the bottom sediments; phytoplankton biomass; restoration treatment; small lake; sustainable restoration; rotifers; microcrustaceans; aquatic vegetation; small water bodies; human-induced impact; ecological assessment; macroinvertebrates; zooplankton; anthropogenic impact; stream ecology; riverbed regulation; soft water lake; Lobelia dortmanna; Littorella uniflora; Isoëtes lacustris; human impact; cyanobacteria; Daphnia; harmful algal bloom mitigation; phytoplankton; reactive oxygen specie; water level fluctuation; multi-proxy approach; Cladocera; Chironomidae; diatoms; Northern Europe; West Africa; climate change; rainfall variability; riverbanks; floodplain lakes; Carabidae; stenotopic species; assemblage; overgrown; surface microlayer; phytoneuston; metals; urban water body; ciliate assemblages; oxygen concentration; ecological optimum; lake; freshwater habitats; biodiversity; aquatic plants; plankton assemblages; water cycle; freshwater ecosystems restoration
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