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Towards Mechanism-based Treatments for Fragile X Syndrome

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

n/a; lymphoblast; pluripotent stem cells; FMR1; Gene editing; X chromosome; Fmr1; epigenetic gene silencing; FMR1 gene; Fragile X syndrome 1; repeat instability; characteristics that have the greatest impact; DNA instability; working memory; language development; mosaicism; CRISPR 3; clinical trials; autism spectrum disorders; Fmr1 KO mouse; automated vocal analysis; base excision repair (BER); inhibitory control; cerebral spinal fluid; iPSC; drug development; targeted treatments; molecular biomarkers; viral vector; avoidance; biomarker; set-shifting; early identification; expansion; anxiety; planning; voice of the person; mismatch repair (MMR); gene reactivation; double-strand break repair (DSBR); newborn screening; intellectual disability; processing speed; voice of the patient; fragile X syndrome; adeno-associated virus; neurodevelopmental disorders; histone methylation; Non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ); ASD; Fxr2; Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome 2; Trinucleotide Repeat 4; CGG Repeat Expansion Disease; DNA methylation; contraction; fragile X mental retardation protein; RNA:DNA hybrid; behavior; developmental disorders; cognition; females; FMRP; Fragile X Syndrome; unstable repeat diseases; protein synthesis; brain; cognitive flexibility; treatment development; fibroblast; PRC2; transcription coupled repair (TCR); best practices; attention; Fragile X; executive function

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