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Polymer Processing and Surfaces

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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thermoplastic polyurethanes blends; pressure sensitive adhesives; viscoelastic properties; adhesion properties; tack; creep; cohesion properties; nano-structure functional film; magnetron sputtering; cellulose insulation polymer; space charge; hydrophobicity; zinc oxide; polytetrafluoroethylene; bromoisobutyryl esterification; cornstarch; synthesis process; past stability; adhesion; film properties; mullite; whiskers; nonaqueous precipitation method; aluminum fluoride; polar transformation; screw; aspect ratio; carbon nanotube; dispersion; masterbatch; nanocomposite; polyamide; polyamide 6; halloysite nanotube; functionalizing agent; in situ polymerization; melt blending; polymorphism; hydrothermal ageing; polymers; octaglycidyl-POSS; DGEBA; dicyandiamide; accelerators; corrosion; protective coatings; infrared spectroscopy; rheology; poplar wood; waterborne UV lacquer product; wood modification; contact angle; spectroscopy; super-hydrophobic coating; elastic sensor; carbon nanotubes; wearable electronics; monitoring of breathing; strain sensor; polymer composite; CNTs; construction composite; friction resistance; surface state; low dielectric constant; PI; irradiation; dielectric loss; tin compounds; valsartan; poly(vinyl chloride); additives; average molecular weight; weight loss; functional group index; PET; polymer; plasma jet; tilted application; ROS distribution; UV; VUV; epoxy; Joule heating; fast curing; accelerated forming; shape memory; Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene; sound absorption; 3D printing technology; frequency; thickness; air gap; polyvinyl alcohol; cationic polyacrylamide; polyvinyl chloride; azodicarbonamide; micro-structure; diffusion plate; micro injection molding; grinding; ethylene-octene-copolymer; carbon fibers; polyaniline; polypyrrole; thermoelectric composites; surface coating; dopamine hydrochloride; graphene oxide; surgical suture; friction; Poly(vinylidene chloride-co-acrylonitrile) (P(VDC-co-AN )); thermo-dynamic surface characterization; surface free energy; inverse gas chromatography; visual traits; computer vision and image processing; basalt fiber; epoxy composite; glass transition temperature; DMA; TMA; creep recovery; stress-relaxation; heterogeneous nucleation; cell morphology; injection molding foaming; composite materials; visualization; gloss transition defect; surface defect; surface gloss; shrinkage; mold surface replication; surface analysis; injection molding; polymer surface modification; hydrophobic properties; optimization; mathematical modeling; poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG); conjugation; N,N′-disuccinimidyl carbonate (DSC); immobilization; surface modification; ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene; cellulose nanofiber; bionanocomposite; melt-blending; ethanol mixing

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