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Advanced Operation and Maintenance in Solar Plants, Wind Farms and Microgrids

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

wind turbine; electric generator; spectral analysis; fault diagnosis; photovoltaic power forecasting; data-driven; deep learning; variational autoencoders; RNN; angle swinging; grid frequency oscillations; electromechanical system; inertial masses; microgrids; coordination protection; distributed generation; photovoltaic resources; DigSILENT; photovoltaic module; defect detection; power plant; efficiency; thermal image; photovoltaic aging; dark I-V curves; bidirectional power inverter; online distributed measurement of dark I-V curves; sustainability; compressive strength; Bolomey formula; sustainable concrete; glass powder; solar cell; solar panel; parameter extraction; analytical; Lambert W-function; spacecraft solar panels; I-V curve; modeling; wind power; non-conventional renewable energy; forecasting; energy bands; combinatorial optimization; deep learning (DL); unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV); photovoltaic (PV) systems; image-processing; image segmentation; semantic segmentation; faults diagnostic; artificial intelligence; unbalanced datasets; synthetic data; artificial neural network based MPPT; hybrid boost converter; renewable energies; solar power system; microgrid; control system; storage system; primary control; photovoltaic (PV) plants; coverage path planning (CPP); corrosion monitoring; FPGA; offshore wind turbines; ultrasound; thickness loss; SCADA; visualisation; software; wind-turbine; windfarm; cross-platform; HMI; GUI; corrosion; monitoring; photovoltaic systems; expected energy models; fleet-scale; lasso regression; performance modeling; machine learning; fault location in photovoltaic arrays; failure modes simulation; fault detection criterion; adaptive protection; distributed power generation; power distribution; power system protection

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