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New Advances in Marine Engineering Geology

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

marine soft soil; double-layer foundation; consolidation theory; drainage boundary; spudcan; skirted footing; footprint; jack-up; clay; large deformation analysis; coral sands; porous media; model test; dispersion; mechanical dispersion; molecular diffusion; soft clay; cyclic loads; residual pore pressure; suction anchor; wave; seafloor instability; pore pressure; slide surface; gas distribution; meshfree method; VARANS; Biot’s “u − p” approximation; wave-current induced seabed response; immersed tunnel; sediment liquefaction; heavy metal; migration; interior of sediment; the subaqueous Yellow River Delta; ocean waves; double-frequency microseisms; continental margin; continental slope; coral sand; Fujian sand; shaking table test; dynamic response; pile group; marine engineering; seismic liquefaction; novel liquefaction-resistant structures; mitigation strategies; sand wave; pressure sensing technique; physical model test; field application; wingsail; aerodynamics; numerical simulation; marine silty sand; small-strain stiffness; Hardin model; binary packing model; dredging and reclamation; constitutive relationship; centrifugal experiment; void ratio–effective stress; void ratio–permeability coefficient; n/a

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