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Role of Genomics in the Management of Hypertension

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

atrial natriuretic peptide; T2238C variant; endothelial dysfunction; smooth muscle cells contraction; platelet aggregation; epigenetics; cardiovascular diseases; renin; low-renin; hypertension; mineralocorticoid receptor; genetics; aldosterone; essential hypertension; blood pressure; genome-wide association studies; exome microarray; next-generation sequencing; rare variants; rare-variants association testing; burden test; sequence kernel association test; hypokalemia; low renin hypertension; monogenic hypertension; Liddle syndrome; SCNN1A; SCNN1B; SCNN1G; non-coding RNA; micro RNA; primary aldosteronism; aldosterone-producing adenoma; transcriptome profiing; DNA methylation; histone modifications; vascular smooth muscle cells; endothelial cells; Kruppel-like factor 15; left ventricular hypertrophy; cardiac hypertrophy; heart failure; genetics of left ventricular hypertrophy; fibromuscular dysplasia; non atherosclerotic vascular stenosis; PHACTR1; genetic association; cervical artery dissection; spontaneous coronary arteries dissection; CRY1; CRY2; HSD3B1; HSD3B2; cardio-tonic steroids; endogenous ouabain; adducin; renal damage; African American; ARMC5; GRK4; CACNA1D; endocrine hypertension

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