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Healing Spaces: Designing Physical Environments to Optimize Health, Wellbeing and Performance

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

lifestyle; mood states; perceived restorativeness scale; positive and negative affect schedule; quality of life; resilience; restorative outcome scale; Shinrin-yoku; stress coping; subjective vitality scale; open spaces 2; CKD 3; renal function; exercise; obesity; urban environment; walkability; active transportation; college students; supportive soundscape; sonic environment; nursing homes; ageing; dementia; green spaces; cardiovascular risk factors; gender; hypercholesterolemia; hypertension; diabetes; bamboo forest therapy; psychological responses; physiological responses; immune system; violent crime; urban parks; greenspace; green space; scoping review; systematic review; literature review; urban; landscape; brain; visual; green; contemplative; mental health; well-being; FAA; EEG; UGS; depression; human health; built environment; urban open space; forest healing; wellbeing; psychology; physiology

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