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Annual Review of Clinical Psychology

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No detectada desde abr. 2005 / hasta dic. 2023 Annual Reviews


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ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


País de edición

Estados Unidos

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Tabla de contenidos

Mediators and Mechanisms of Change in Psychotherapy Research

Alan E. Kazdin

Palabras clave: Psychiatry and Mental health; Clinical Psychology; General Medicine.

Pp. 1-27

The Origins and Current Status of Behavioral Activation Treatments for Depression

Sona Dimidjian; Manuel Barrera; Christopher Martell; Ricardo F. Muñoz; Peter M. Lewinsohn

<jats:p>The past decade has witnessed a resurgence of interest in behavioral interventions for depression. This contemporary work is grounded in the work of Lewinsohn and colleagues, which laid a foundation for future clinical practice and science. This review thus summarizes the origins of a behavioral model of depression and the behavioral activation (BA) approach to the treatment and prevention of depression. We highlight the formative initial work by Lewinsohn and colleagues, the evolution of this work, and related contemporary research initiatives, such as that led by Jacobson and colleagues. We examine the diverse ways in which BA has been investigated over time and its emerging application to a broad range of populations and problems. We close with reflections on important directions for future inquiry.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Psychiatry and Mental health; Clinical Psychology; General Medicine.

Pp. 1-38

Psychopathy: Current Knowledge and Future Directions

Christopher J. Patrick

<jats:p> Research on psychopathy has progressed considerably in recent years against the backdrop of important advances in the broader field of clinical psychological science. My major aim in this review is to encourage integration of investigative work on dispositional, biobehavioral, and developmental aspects of psychopathy with counterpart work on general psychopathology. Using the triarchic model of psychopathy as a frame of reference, I offer perspective on long-standing debates pertaining to the conceptualization and assessment of psychopathy, discuss how dispositional facets of psychopathy relate to subdimensions of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology, and summarize findings from contemporary biobehavioral and developmental research on psychopathy. I conclude by describing a systematic strategy for coordinating biobehavioral-developmental research on psychopathy that can enable it to be informed by, and help inform, ongoing research on mental health problems more broadly. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Psychiatry and Mental health; Clinical Psychology; General Medicine.

Pp. 387-415