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Influencia de la densidad de siembra en el porcentaje de granos descartados en progenitores hembras de maíz
Mario Andrés Sorribas Lía Pafundi
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
Density trials on typical Hapludol soil were conducted over a 3 consecutive year period in the Southern region of Santa Fe province, in Venado Tuerto city. Four plant densities were used: 50,000, 70,000, 90,000, & 110,000 pl/ha-1 of maize female parents (Zea Mays), (L08, L53, & L14) from three main hybrids belonging to Syngenta Agro S.A. The objective was to identify whether there was a density which would allow to obtain a lower Percentage of discarded seeds after seed classification. Lowering this variable as much as possible is a desirable goal because the higher the percentage of discarded seeds, the lower the quantity of bags available for sale. The data obtained was analyzed with ANOVA and, in order to determine if there were significant differences among averages, the Minimum Significant Difference was used at 5%. When the data was analyzed, variability in line's responses was observed in Yield, Useful Shape and Size, and Percentage of Discarded Seeds regarding densities, but no specific density was identified to maximize the Yield and USS expressions, and to lower the Percentage of Discarded Seeds. Instead, an optimal match for each factor in each line was observed. This finding means that the Percentage of Discarded Seeds variable in the lines analyzed presented no significant differences, thus, none of the four seed densities analyzed allowed to determine differential discarded seed percentages, being the values between the range of 2.17% (118 kg ha-1) - 2.94%( 137 kg ha -1). It is worth stressing that the results were obtained from a trial conducted over a threeconsecutive-year period in the same premises and city. It is advisable to conduct additional trials in other locations of the country to determine if the results remain within the values obtained in Venado Tuerto region.Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital
Descartes; Zea Mays; Maíz; Granos; Densidad de siembra; Líneas endocriadas femeninas
Institución detectada | Año de publicación | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No requiere | 2017 | Repositorio Hipermedial UNR (SNRD) |
Tipo de recurso:
Idiomas de la publicación
- español castellano
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