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Interpreting Chekhov

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Autores/as: Geoffrey Borny

ISBNs: 9781920942687 (impreso) 978-1-92094-268-7 (en línea)

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2006 JSTOR acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Lenguas y literatura - Artes  

The author's contention is that Chekhov's plays have often been misinterpreted by scholars and directors, particularly through their failure to adequately balance the comic and tragic elements inherent in these works. Through a close examination of the form and content of Chekhov's dramas, the author shows how deeply pessimistic or overly optimistic interpretations fail to sufficiently account for the rich complexity and ambiguity of these plays. The author suggests that, by accepting that Chekhov's plays are synthetic tragi-comedies which juxtapose potentially tragic sub-texts with essentially comic texts, critics and directors are more likely to produce richer and more deeply satisfying interpretations of these works. Besides being of general interest to any reader interested in understanding Chekhov's work, the book is intended to be of particular interest to students of Drama and Theatre Studies and to potential directors of these subtle plays.

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Interpreting China's Grand Strategy: Past, Present, and Future

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Autores/as: Peter W. Greenwood ; Sara A. Daly ; Michael D. Swaine

ISBNs: 978-0-83302-815-0 (impreso) 978-0-83304-830-1 (en línea)

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2000 JSTOR acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Ciencia política  

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Interpreting Greek Tragedy: Myth, Poetry, Text

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Autores/as: Charles Segal

ISBNs: 978-0-80141-890-7 (impreso) 978-1-50174-670-3 (en línea)

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 1986 JSTOR acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Lenguas y literatura - Otras humanidades  

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Interpreting Myanmar: A Decade of Analysis

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Autores/as: Andrew Selth

978-1-76046-405-9 (en línea)

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2020 JSTOR acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Economía y negocios - Ciencia política  

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Interpretive Conventions: The Reader in the Study of American Fiction

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Autores/as: Steven Mailloux

ISBNs: 978-0-80141-476-3 (impreso) 978-1-50172-094-9 (en línea)

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 1982 JSTOR acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Lenguas y literatura  

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Interregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica

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ISBNs: 978-1-60732-835-3 (impreso) 978-1-60732-983-1 (en línea)

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2019 JSTOR acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Sociología  

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Intersections: History, Memory, Discipline

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Autores/as: Brij V. Lal

ISBNs: 978-1-92214-437-9 (impreso) 978-1-92214-438-6 (en línea)

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2012 JSTOR acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Ciencia política - Historia y arqueología  

“A wonderfully rich, insightful and personally touching collection of essays by the Pacific region's most prolific and engaging historian. Brij Lal writes eloquently and poetically about his professional and political journeys, and the many different people and worlds he has encountered on the way. Readers will be inspired by this collective account of a courageous life committed to the achievement of democratic freedom and social justice. What shines through these pages is Lal's love of and commitment to Fiji, from which he has been painfully exiled.” - David Hanlon, Professor of History & Former Director of the Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa. “Intersections is a compilation of Brij Lal's essays where academic knowledge combines with life world experience. The voice behind these essays is always courageous and the writing itself indicative of a highly disciplined mind. Read this book with an open mind as Lal explores with sensitivity a country he loves intensely and as he reminisces on the vocation of a scholar. Savour the book's historical insights, enter into its subaltern worlds, debate and challenge its findings, and in that moment of engagement shed a tear for a country which has lost its memory.” - Vijay Mishra, Professor of English, Murdoch University “Brij Lal is a master craftsman and all his skills are on display in this fascinating work which blends autobiography with social, political and historical analysis to produce a work of impeccable scholarship. Lal emerges as much more than a historian as he reflects on the discipline of History, the changing nature of academic life, the challenges of the Indian diaspora, indenture and his travels. He may be banned from his homeland, but somehow one gets the impression that his influence is alive in Fiji, his adopted Australia and across the world. True to his indentured roots, he is still digging, still writing, and still making history.” - Goolam Vahed, Associate Professor of History, University of KwaZulu-Natal

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Intersektionalität und Gouvernementalität: Die Regierung von Prostitution in Luxemburg

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ISBNs: 978-3-84742-113-9 (impreso) 978-3-84741-097-3 (en línea)

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2017 Directory of Open access Books acceso abierto
No requiere 2017 JSTOR acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Ciencias sociales - Sociología  

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Intersektionalität und Postkolonialität: Kritische feministische Perspektiven auf Politik und Macht

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ISBNs: 978-3-84742-455-0 (impreso) 978-3-84741-662-3 (en línea)

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2021 JSTOR acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Ciencia política  

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Intersex Narratives: Shifts in the Representation of Intersex Lives in North American Literature and Popular Culture

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ISBNs: 978-3-83763-419-8 (impreso) 978-3-83943-419-2 (en línea)

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2016 Directory of Open access Books acceso abierto
No requiere 2016 JSTOR acceso abierto

Cobertura temática: Ciencias sociales - Sociología - Geografía social y económica - Lenguas y literatura