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Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Wolfgang Härdle Léopold Simar

Second Edition.

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes; Statistical Theory and Methods; Economic Theory/Quantitative Economics/Mathematical Methods; Quantitative Finance; Statistics for Business/Economics/Mathematical Finance/Insurance

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Cluster Analysis

Wolfgang Härdle; Léopold Simar

The next two chapters address classification issues from two varying perspectives. When considering groups of objects in a multivariate data set, two situations can arise. Given a data set containing measurements on individuals, in some cases we want to see if some natural groups or classes of individuals exist, and in other cases, we want to classify the individuals according to a set of existing groups. Cluster analysis develops tools and methods concerning the former case, that is, given a data matrix containing multivariate measurements on a large number of individuals (or objects), the objective is to build some natural subgroups or clusters of individuals. This is done by grouping individuals that are “similar” according to some appropriate criterion. Once the clusters are obtained, it is generally useful to describe each group using some descriptive tool from Chapters 1, 8 or 9 to create a better understanding of the differences that exist among the formulated groups.

Part III - Multivariate Techniques | Pp. 271-288

Discriminant Analysis

Wolfgang Härdle; Léopold Simar

Discriminant analysis is used in situations where the clusters are known . The aim of discriminant analysis is to classify an observation, or several observations, into these known groups. For instance, in credit scoring, a bank knows from past experience that there are good customers (who repay their loan without any problems) and bad customers (who showed difficulties in repaying their loan). When a new customer asks for a loan, the bank has to decide whether or not to give the loan. The past records of the bank provides two data sets: multivariate observations on the two categories of customers (including for example age, salary, marital status, the amount of the loan, etc.). The new customer is a new observation with the same variables. The discrimination rule has to classify the customer into one of the two existing groups and the discriminant analysis should evaluate the risk of a possible “bad decision”.

Part III - Multivariate Techniques | Pp. 289-303

Correspondence Analysis

Wolfgang Härdle; Léopold Simar

Correspondence analysis provides tools for analyzing the associations between rows and columns of contingency tables. A contingency table is a two-entry frequency table where the joint frequencies of two qualitative variables are reported. For instance a (2 × 2) table could be formed by observing from a sample of individuals two qualitative variables: the individual’s sex and whether the individual smokes. The table reports the observed joint frequencies. In general ( × ) tables may be considered.

Part III - Multivariate Techniques | Pp. 305-319

Canonical Correlation Analysis

Wolfgang Härdle; Léopold Simar

Complex multivariate data structures are better understood by studying low-dimensional projections. For a joint study of two data sets, we may ask what type of low-dimensional projection helps in finding possible joint structures for the two samples. The canonical correlation analysis is a standard tool of multivariate statistical analysis for discovery and quantification of associations between two sets of variables.

Part III - Multivariate Techniques | Pp. 321-330

Multidimensional Scaling

Wolfgang Härdle; Léopold Simar

One major aim of multivariate data analysis is dimension reduction. For data measured in Euclidean coordinates, Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis are dominantly used tools. In many applied sciences data is recorded as ranked information. For example, in marketing, one may record “product A is better than product B”. High-dimensional observations therefore often have mixed data characteristics and contain relative information (w.r.t. a defined standard) rather than absolute coordinates that would enable us to employ one of the multivariate techniques presented so far.

Part III - Multivariate Techniques | Pp. 331-346

Conjoint Measurement Analysis

Wolfgang Härdle; Léopold Simar

Conjoint Measurement Analysis plays an important role in marketing. In the design of new products it is valuable to know which components carry what kind of utility for the customer. Marketing and advertisement strategies are based on the perception of the new product’s overall utility. It can be valuable information for a car producer to know whether a change in sportiness or a change in safety or comfort equipment is perceived as a higher increase in overall utility. The Conjoint Measurement Analysis is a method for attributing utilities to the components (part worths) on the basis of ranks given to different outcomes (stimuli) of the product. An important assumption is that the overall utility is decomposed as a sum of the utilities of the components.

Part III - Multivariate Techniques | Pp. 347-358

Applications in Finance

Wolfgang Härdle; Léopold Simar

A portfolio is a linear combination of assets. Each asset contributes with a weight to the portfolio. The performance of such a portfolio is a function of the various returns of the assets and of the weights = (, . . ., ). In this chapter we investigate the “optimal choice” of the portfolio weights . The optimality criterion is the mean-variance efficiency of the portfolio. Usually investors are risk-averse, therefore, we can define a mean-variance efficient portfolio to be a portfolio that has a minimal variance for a given desired mean return. Equivalently, we could try to optimize the weights for the portfolios with maximal mean return for a given variance (risk structure). We develop this methodology in the situations of (non)existence of riskless assets and discuss relations with the Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM).

Part III - Multivariate Techniques | Pp. 359-369

Computationally Intensive Techniques

Wolfgang Härdle; Léopold Simar

It is generally accepted that training in statistics must include some exposure to the mechanics of computational statistics. This exposure to computational methods is of an essential nature when we consider extremely high dimensional data. Computer aided techniques can help us to discover dependencies in high dimensions without complicated mathematical tools. A draftman’s plot (i.e. a matrix of pairwise scatterplots like in Figure 1.14) may lead us immediately to a theoretical hypothesis (on a lower dimensional space) on the relationship of the variables. Computer aided techniques are therefore at the heart of multivariate statistical analysis.

Part III - Multivariate Techniques | Pp. 371-420