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Advances in Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering: Proceedings of IETA 2005, TeNe 2005, EIAE 2005

Khaled Elleithy ; Tarek Sobh ; Ausif Mahmood ; Magued Iskander ; Mohammad Karim (eds.)

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer 2006

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Technology Enabled Interdisciplinary Project Based Learning (IPBL)

Osama K. Alshara; Fawaz A. Masoud

Allocating projects for students to work on is not an easy task let alone allocating real-life projects, which further enhances students learning. Real life projects are multi dimensional; in the sense that they require team based work. Moreover, team members represent different disciplines. Hence, educational institutes Adapting the independent and project based learning require: 1) real life projects for the students to work on. 2) Team building mechanism. 3) And interdisciplinary students and teachers formation. 4) Such projects require strong support and participation from the local community. However, a mechanism has to be proposed and established to bring about an integral relationship between the higher education institutes and the local community.

Palabras clave: Organizational Learn; Local Organization; Interdisciplinary Team; Independent Learning; Project Base Learning.

Pp. 393-398

Approach to an Adaptive and Intelligent Learning Environment

Dalia Baziukaitë

This paper proposes a model of the component for a virtual learning environment (VLE), which enriches it with some adaptive and intelligent features. Such a model explains how the VLE as a system should direct its actions towards the maintenance of learner needs in selecting, studying and controlling the study topics and evaluating the obtained knowledge. The adaptivity is supposed to be understood such as the system’s ability to form and, during the learning process, uniformly update curriculum that satisfies the needs of the learner, and intelligence is expressed by the ability to initiate actions and, referring to the learning process, perform decision making. The implantation of such a component into a VLE enriches the spectrum of the student’s own abilities to purposefully, without the extra help of a tutor, seek some level of acquisition.

Pp. 399-406

Radio-Chat: Interaction Scenarios for Distance Education in Latin America

Jorge Ramìrez;; Vladimir Burgos

The study describes the experience of implementing technologies within academic online courses in a Latin American Virtual University; in particular, the introduction of radio with the option of text-chatting in concurrent time. In distance education, it is essential to encourage effective and qualified interactions between professors and students in order to provide significative learning and valued experiences [5, 7].

Palabras clave: Distance Education; Graduate Program; Case Study Research; Interaction Scenario; Develop Community.

Pp. 407-412

Assessing Senior Engineering Students with Regard to Radio Communication Principles

James Swart; Ruaan Schoeman; Henk De Jager

Universities have long been recognized as institutions organized and incorporated for the purpose of imparting instruction, examining students, and otherwise promoting education in the higher branches such as literature and science, being empowered to confer degrees in the several arts and faculties present in the University [2]. Various theories and ideologies have been put forth over the ages as to how to accomplish this phenomenal task. One of the more recent theories adopted by the Department of Applied Electronics and Electronic Communication at the Vaal University of Technology involves using computer aided frequency spectrum analyzers to teach students radio communication principles. This paper will outline the methods employed by staff to assess senior students understanding of basic radio communication principles by utilizing electronic equipment. It will furthermore highlight the success and efficiency of the co-operative and electronic learning methods.

Palabras clave: Modulate Signal; Modulation Index; Pass Rate; Electronic Equipment; Radio Communication.

Pp. 413-417

Technology Student Attitudes Regarding Privacy Scenarios

Jack Freund

Palabras clave: Privacy Issue; Industry Experience; Computer Ethic; Consumer Privacy; Ethical Scenario.

Pp. 419-426

The ITESM Redesigned Model. Outcomes at Campus Estado de Mexico: Engineering and Architecture Division

Aurora Gonzàlez; Blanca Garza; Ruben D. Santiago

Pp. 428-433

A Framework for Exploring the Relationships Among Pedagogy, Ethics & Technology

Palabras clave: Intellectual Property; Pedagogical Theory; Information Ethic; Computer Ethic; Realist Ontology.

Pp. 434-440

Modern Sensing and Computerized Data Acquisition Technology in High School Physics Labs

Sookram Sobhan; Nerik Yakubov; Vikram Kapila; Magued Iskander; Noel Kriftcher

Palabras clave: High School Student; Force Sensor; Ultrasonic Sensor; Simple Harmonic Motion; High School Physic.

Pp. 441-448

Design & Development of a Remote Temperature Monitor System of Web Using Virtual Instruments

Fan yang; Guoping Li; Huipeng Li

Pp. 449-452

Visual Modeling Using ICT in Science and Mathematics Education

Eugeny I. Smirnov; Vitali Bogun

Pp. 453-458