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Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation: 7th International Workshop, SAMOS 2007, Samos, Greece, July 16-19, 2007. Proceedings

Stamatis Vassiliadis ; Mladen Bereković ; Timo D. Hämäläinen (eds.)

En conferencia: 7º International Workshop on Embedded Computer Systems (SAMOS) . Samos, Greece . July 16, 2007 - July 19, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Theory of Computation; Computer Hardware; Processor Architectures; Computer Communication Networks; System Performance and Evaluation; Computer System Implementation

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Software Is the Answer But What Is the Question?

Willie Anderson

Consumer electronics and communications products typically comprise embedded systems whose complexity dwarfs the supercomputer center of two decades ago. Along with this embedded hardware capability have come equally complex applications, such as digitally encoded video and advanced wireless modulation and protocols, which not only have to function in a world-wide network, but which must also do so while using miniscule amounts of energy. The primary constraint for the deployment of these systems is the availability of the software which enables them. I will present some of the issues which challenge developers of such software and the embedded systems themselves, and will examine some pragmatic approaches to the solution of these engineering problems.

- Keynotes | Pp. 1-1

Integrating VLIW Processors with a Network on Chip

Jos Huisken

Networks are a becoming a necessity to easily integrate multiple processors on a single chip. A crucial question here is whether it is good enough to reason about statistical performance as opposed to hard real-time performance constraints. Today’s processors often do not allow software design for hard real-time systems, caused by the design of the bus- and/or memory interfaces, thereby necessitating elaborate performance analysis through simulation.

In this presentation I will indicate what options a processor designer has, using Silicon Hive processor design tools, in specifying the interfaces and local memory sub-system in a processor. It allows a multitude of communication options to build either type of system: statistically bound or hard real-time bound performance.

Additionaly I will describe the multi-processor simulation and prototyping environment and touching on the processor design methodology.

- Keynotes | Pp. 2-2

Communication Architecture Simulation on the Virtual Synchronization Framework

Taewook Oh; Youngmin Yi; Soonhoi Ha

As multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) has become an effective solution to ever-increasing design complexity of modern embedded systems, fast and accurate HW/SW cosimulation of such system becomes more important to explore wide design space of communication architecture. Recently we have proposed the trace-driven virtual synchronization technique to boost the cosimulation speed while accuracy is almost preserved, where simulation of communication architectures is separated from simulation of the processing components. This paper proposes two methods of simulation modeling of communication architectures in the trace-driven virtual synchronization framework: SystemC modeling and C modeling. SystemC modeling gives better extensibility and accuracy but lower performance than C modeling as confirmed by experimental results. Fast reconfiguration of communication architecture is available in both methods to enable efficient design space exploration.

- System Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 3-12

A Model-Driven Automatically-Retargetable Debug Tool for Embedded Systems

Max R. de O. Schultz; Alexandre K. I. Mendonça; Felipe G. Carvalho; Olinto J. V. Furtado; Luiz C. V. Santos

Contemporary SoC designs ask for system-level debugging tools suitable to heterogeneous platforms. Such tools will have to rely on some low-level model-driven debugging engine that must be retargetable, since embedded code may run on distinct processors within the same platform. This paper describes a technique for automatically retargeting debugging tools for embedded code inspection. The technique relies on two key ideas: automatic extraction of machine-dependent information from a formal model of the processor and reuse of a conventional binary utility package as implementation infrastructure. The retargetability of the technique was experimentally validated for targets MIPS, SPARC, PowerPC and i8051.

- System Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 13-23

Performance Evaluation of Memory Management Configurations in Linux for an OS-Level Design Space Exploration

Sangsoo Park; Heonshik Shin

The objective of this paper is to analyze how the memory management configuration in Linux influences run-time performance of embedded systems. Extensive experiments confirm that the configuration of the memory management subsystem significantly affects the overall execution time, the memory performance, and the system call overhead. Our quantitative experimental results will help embedded systems designers to understand the effect of memory management configurations on the applications within a system, and contribute to the design of more efficient systems with an OS-level design space exploration.

- System Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 24-33

SC2SCFL: Automated SystemC to Translation

Ka Lok Man; Andrea Fedeli; Michele Mercaldi; Menouer Boubekeur; Michel Schellekens

is the formalisation of a reasonable subset of SystemC based on classical process algebras. During the last few years, has been successfully used to give formal specifications of SystemC designs. For formal analysis purposes, so far, users have been required to transform manually their SystemC codes into corresponding specifications. To verify some desired properties of specifications using existing formal verification tools (e.g. NuSMV and SPIN), similarly, manual translations have been needed for turning specifications into corresponding terms of the input language (e.g. SMV and PROMELA) of the selected formal verification tool. Since manual transformation and translations between SystemC codes, specifications, and various formalisms are quite laborious and therefore error-prone, these translations have to be made as much automatic as possible. The first step of the research in these directions is to automate the transformation from SystemC codes to specifications. In this paper, we present SC2SCFL (an automatic translation tool), which converts SystemC codes into corresponding specifications.

- System Modeling and Simulation | Pp. 34-45

Model and Validation of Block Cleaning Cost for Flash Memory

Seungjae Baek; Jongmoo Choi; Donghee Lee; Sam H. Noh

Flash memory is a storage medium that is becoming more and more popular. Though not yet fully embraced in traditional computing systems, Flash memory is prevalent in embedded systems, materialized as commodity appliances such as the digital camera and the MP3 player that we are enjoying in our everyday lives. The cost of block cleaning is an important factor that strongly influences Flash memory file system performance analogous to the seek time in disk storage based systems. We show that three performance parameters, namely, utilization, invalidity, and uniformity characteristics of Flash memory strongly effect this block cleaning cost and present a model for the block cleaning cost based on these parameters. We validate this model using synthetic workloads on commercial Flash memory products.

- VLSI Architectures | Pp. 46-54

VLSI Architecture for MRF Based Stereo Matching

Sungchan Park; Chao Chen; Hong Jeong

As a step towards real-time stereo on 2D markov random field (MRF), we will present fast belief propagation (FBP) VLSI architecture for stereo matching, which has a parallel, distributed and memory-efficient structure and lowest error rates among the real-time systems. FBP can reduce memory complexities by 17 times smaller than belief propagation (BP) and output 320x240 disparity image of 32 levels with 320 parallel processors on 2 Xilinx FPGAs at 30 frames/s. Multiple chips can be cascaded to increase computation speed due to its linear array architecture. Our structure is more adequate for high resolution and real-time applications like 3D video conference, multi-view coding and 3D modelling.

- VLSI Architectures | Pp. 55-64

Low-Power Twiddle Factor Unit for FFT Computation

Teemu Pitkänen; Tero Partanen; Jarmo Takala

An integral part of FFT computation are the twiddle factors, which, in software implementations, are typically stored into RAM memory implying large memory footprint and power consumption. In this paper, we propose a novel twiddle factor generator based on reduced ROM tables. The unit supports both radix-4 and mixed-radix-4/2 FFT algorithms and several transform lengths. The unit operates at a rate of one factor per clock cycle.

- VLSI Architectures | Pp. 65-74

Trade-Offs Between Voltage Scaling and Processor Shutdown for Low-Energy Embedded Multiprocessors

Pepijn de Langen; Ben Juurlink

When peak performance is unnecessary, Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) can be used to reduce the dynamic power consumption of embedded multiprocessors. In future technologies, however, static power consumption is expected to increase significantly. Then it will be more effective to limit the number of employed processors, and use a combination of DVS and processor shutdown. Scheduling heuristics are presented that determine the best trade-off between these three techniques: DVS, processor shutdown, and finding the optimal number of processors. Experimental results show that our approach reduces the total energy consumption by up to 25% for tight deadlines and by up to 57% for loose deadlines compared to DVS. We also compare the energy consumed by our scheduling algorithm to two lower bounds, and show that our best approach leaves little room for improvement.

- VLSI Architectures | Pp. 75-85