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Building a Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa; Agricultural economics; Climate change economics; Agricultural productivity; Modern technology adoption by farmers; Agricultural sustainability; Bioenergy Crop Adoption; Agro-Industrialization; Agriculture sector development; Environmental Efficiency; Global Value Chains; Regional value chains; African economic development; African agricultural transformation; Labour productivity; Drought Index Insurance; Supplemental irrigation; Special Economic Zones; ECOWAS countries

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No requiere 2018 Directory of Open access Books acceso abierto
No requiere 2018 SpringerLink acceso abierto


Tipo de recurso:


ISBN impreso


ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

Transforming African Agriculture Through Special Economic Zones: Opportunities and Challenges

Joseph Tinarwo

This chapter offers a comprehensive summary on how special economic zones (SEZs) turn around the economies and unlock the potential of agriculture in Africa. The author interrogates on how the SEZs route offers some options to transform agriculture and develop agribusiness markets that are essential in ensuring food and nutrition security, ending hunger, and reducing poverty. Focusing on the historical development of SEZs, their typologies, and global SEZs case studies, the author concludes that SEZs, if prudently managed, provide a potentially sustainable model for agricultural transformation.

Part III - Promoting Agro-Industrialization | Pp. 241-255

Global Value Chains and Upgrading in Economic Community of West African States Countries

Anani Nourredine Mensah; Abdul-Fahd Fofana

Global value Chains (GVCs) offer new economic opportunities to African countries that are no longer obliged to set up entire production units, but can now integrate themselves as links in such value chains. This chapter examines not only the level of integration but also the upgrading of 14 Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) countries in the GVCs through diversification and sophistication indicators. The results show that the participation of these countries in the GVCs is strongly driven by forward integration—by exports of primary products used for manufacturing intermediate goods abroad. Exports from ECOWAS countries are highly concentrated on a limited number of unsophisticated products.

Part III - Promoting Agro-Industrialization | Pp. 257-283

Conclusions: Enhancing the Resilience and Sustainability of the Agriculture Sector in sub-Saharan Africa

Abebe Shimeles; Audrey Verdier-Chouchane; Amadou Boly

In this chapter, authors provide some responses to the main challenges of the agriculture sector in Sub-Saharan Africa. Dealing first with the acceleration of productivity through innovation and training, they consider the use of new Information and communication technology (ICT)-based services and modern technology in agriculture to cope with climate change. Authors then consider the improvement of policies and institutions, including land reforms, farmers’ organizations and gender-sensitive policies. They also provide strategy to strengthen innovative financing to adapt the specific production cycle. Finally, they review the conditions to enhance agriculture value chains at regional and global levels, and focus on the development of infrastructure to improve competitiveness and manage climate variability through increased irrigation. They overall offer valued policy options to enhance resilience and sustainability of the agriculture sector.

Part III - Promoting Agro-Industrialization | Pp. 285-293