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Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 5th European Conference, EvoCOP 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 30: April 1, 2005, Proceedings

Günther R. Raidl ; Jens Gottlieb (eds.)

En conferencia: 5º European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP) . Lausanne, Switzerland . March 30, 2005 - April 1, 2005

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computation by Abstract Devices; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Numeric Computing; Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Estimation of Distribution Algorithms with Mutation

Hisashi Handa

The Estimation of Distribution Algorithms are a class of evolutionary algorithms which adopt probabilistic models to reproduce the genetic information of the next generation, instead of conventional crossover and mutation operations. In this paper, we propose new EDAs which incorporate mutation operator to conventional EDAs in order to keep the diversities in EDA populations. Empirical experiments carried out this paper confirm us the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Palabras clave: Probabilistic Model; Problem Instance; Evolutionary Computation; Mutation Operator; Mutation Probability.

Pp. 112-121

Property Analysis of Symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem Instances Acquired Through Evolution

Jano I. van Hemert

We show how an evolutionary algorithm can successfully be used to evolve a set of difficult to solve symmetric travelling salesman problem instances for two variants of the Lin-Kernighan algorithm. Then we analyse the instances in those sets to guide us towards deferring general knowledge about the efficiency of the two variants in relation to structural properties of the symmetric travelling salesman problem.

Pp. 122-131

Heuristic Colour Assignment Strategies for Merge Models in Graph Colouring

István Juhos; Attila Tóth; Jano I. van Hemert

In this paper, we combine a powerful representation for graph colouring problems with different heuristic strategies for colour assignment. Our novel strategies employ heuristics that exploit information about the partial colouring in an aim to improve performance. An evolutionary algorithm is used to drive the search. We compare the different strategies to each other on several very hard benchmarks and on generated problem instances, and show where the novel strategies improve the efficiency.

Palabras clave: Problem Instance; Success Ratio; Colour Assignment; Topological Similarity; Heuristic Strategy.

Pp. 132-143

Application of the Grouping Genetic Algorithm to University Course Timetabling

Rhydian Lewis; Ben Paechter

University Course Timetabling-Problems (UCTPs) involve the allocation of resources (such as rooms and timeslots) to all the events of a university, satisfying a set of hard-constraints and, as much as possible, some soft constraints. Here we work with a well-known version of the problem where there seems a strong case for considering these two goals as separate sub-problems. In particular we note that the satisfaction of hard constraints fits the standard definition of a grouping problem. As a result, a grouping genetic algorithm for finding feasible timetables for “hard” problem instances has been developed, with promising results.

Palabras clave: Fitness Function; Recombination Rate; Problem Instance; Graph Colouring; Soft Constraint.

Pp. 144-153

Self-Adapting Evolutionary Parameters: Encoding Aspects for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Marcos H. Maruo; Heitor S. Lopes; Myriam R. Delgado

Evolutionary algorithms are powerful tools in search and optimization tasks with several applications in complex engineering problems. However, setting all associated parameters is not an easy task and the adaptation seems to be an interesting alternative. This paper aims to analyze the effect of self-adaptation of some evolutionary parameters of genetic algorithms (GAs). Here we intend to propose a flexible GA-based algorithm where only few parameters have to be defined by the user. Benchmark problems of combinatorial optimization were used to test the performance of the proposed approach.

Palabras clave: Genetic Algorithm; Evolutionary Algorithm; Combinatorial Optimization Problem; Uniform Crossover; Binary Encode.

Pp. 154-165

Population Training Heuristics

Alexandre C. M. Oliveira; Luiz A. N. Lorena

This work describes a new way of employing problem-specific heuristics to improve evolutionary algorithms: the Population Training Heuristic ( PTH ). The PTH employs heuristics in fitness definition, guiding the population to settle down in search areas where the individuals can not be improved by such heuristics. Some new theoretical improvements not present in early algorithms are now introduced. An application for pattern sequencing problems is examined with new improved computational results. The method is also compared against other approaches, using benchmark instances taken from the literature.

Palabras clave: Hybrid evolutionary algorithms; population training; MOSP; GMLP.

Pp. 166-176

Scatter Search Particle Filter to Solve the Dynamic Travelling Salesman Problem

Juan José Pantrigo; Abraham Duarte; Ángel Sánchez; Raúl Cabido

This paper presents the Scatter Search Particle Filter (SSPF) algorithm and its application to the Dynamic Travelling Salesman Problem (DTSP). SSPF combines sequential estimation and combinatorial optimization methods to improve the execution time in dynamic optimization problems. It allows obtaining new high quality solutions in subsequent iterations using solutions found in previous time steps. The hybrid SSPF approach increases the performance of general Scatter Search (SS) metaheuristic in dynamic optimization problems. We have applied the SSPF algorithm to different DTSP instances. Experimental results have shown that SSPF performance is significantly better than classical DTSP approaches, where new solutions of derived problems are obtained without taking advantage of previous solutions corresponding to similar problems. Our proposal reduces execution time appreciably without affecting the quality of the estimated solution.

Palabras clave: Execution Time; Particle Filter; Travelling Salesman Problem; Previous Time Step; Scatter Search.

Pp. 177-189

The Use of Meta-heuristics to Solve Economic Lot Scheduling Problem

Syed Asif Raza; Ali Akgunduz

Economic lot scheduling problem has been an important topic in production planning and scheduling research for more than four decades. The problem is known to be NP-hard due to it’s combinatorial nature. In this paper, two meta-heuristics algorithms – Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing – are proposed. To investigate the effect of control parameters to the performance of tabu search and simulated annealing algorithms, a general factorial design of experiment study is used. Two Neighborhood Search heuristics that differ in rounding off scheme of the production frequencies are also tested. Experimental study shows that both tabu search and simulated annealing algorithms outperform two best known solution methods – Dobson’s Heuristic and Hybrid Genetic Algorithm.

Palabras clave: Tabu Search; Neighborhood Search; Simulated Annealing Algorithm; Production Sequence; Hybrid Genetic Algorithm.

Pp. 190-201

Making the Edge-Set Encoding Fly by Controlling the Bias of Its Crossover Operator

Franz Rothlauf; Carsten Tzschoppe

Edge-sets encode spanning trees directly by listing their edges. Evolutionary operators for edge-sets may be heuristic, considering the weights of edges they include in offspring, or naive, including edges without regard to their weights. Crossover operators that heuristically prefer shorter edges are strongly biased towards minimum spanning trees (MST); EAs that apply heuristic crossover generally perform poorly on spanning tree problems whose optimum solutions are not very similar to MSTs. For the edge-set encoding, a modified heuristic crossover called γ -TX implements variable bias towards low-weight edges and thus towards MSTs. The bias can be set arbitrarily between the strong bias of the heuristic crossover operator, or being unbiased. An investigation into the performance of EAs using the γ -TX for randomly created OCST problems of different types and OCST test instances from the literature present good results when setting the crossover-specific parameter γ properly. The presented results suggest that the original heuristic crossover operator of the edge-sets should be substituted by the modified γ -TX operator that allows us to control the bias towards the MST.

Palabras clave: Span Tree; Problem Instance; Minimum Span Tree; Crossover Operator; Search Operator.

Pp. 202-212

Ant Algorithm for the Graph Matching Problem

Olfa Sammoud; Christine Solnon; Khaled Ghédira

This paper describes a new Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm for solving Graph Matching Problems, the goal of which is to find the best matching between vertices of multi-labeled graphs. This new ACO algorithm is experimentally compared with greedy and reactive tabu approaches on subgraph isomorphism problems and on multivalent graph matching problems.

Pp. 213-223