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Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 5th European Conference, EvoCOP 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 30: April 1, 2005, Proceedings

Günther R. Raidl ; Jens Gottlieb (eds.)

En conferencia: 5º European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP) . Lausanne, Switzerland . March 30, 2005 - April 1, 2005

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computation by Abstract Devices; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Numeric Computing; Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

An External Partial Permutations Memory for Ant Colony Optimization

Adnan Acan

A novel external memory implementation based on the use of partially complete sequences of solution components from above-average quality individuals over a number of previous iterations is introduced. Elements of such variable-size partial permutation sequences are taken from randomly selected positions of parental individuals and stored in an external memory called the partial permutation memory. Partial permutation sequences are associated with lifetimes together with their parent solutions’ fitness values that are used in retrieving and updating the contents of the memory. When a solution is to be constructed, a partial permutation sequence is retrieved from the memory based on its age and associated fitness value, and the remaining components of the partial solution is completed with an ant colony optimization algorithm. Resulting solutions are also used to update some elements within the memory. The implemented algorithm is used for the solution of a difficult combinatorial optimization problem, namely the quadratic assignment problem, for which significant performance achievements are provided in terms of convergence speed and solution quality.

Palabras clave: Travel Salesman Problem; Travel Salesman Problem; Solution Component; External Memory; Quadratic Assignment Problem.

Pp. 1-11

A Novel Application of Evolutionary Computing in Process Systems Engineering

Jessica Andrea Carballido; Ignacio Ponzoni; Nélida Beatriz Brignole

In this article we present a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Initialization (MOGAI) that finds a starting sensor configuration for Observability Analysis (OA), this study being a crucial stage in the design and revamp of process-plant instrumentation. The MOGAI is a binary-coded genetic algorithm with a three-objective fitness function based on cost, reliability and observability metrics. MOGAI’s special features are: dynamic adaptive bit-flip mutation and guided generation of the initial population, both giving a special treatment to non-feasible individuals, and an adaptive genotypic convergence criterion to stop the algorithm. The algorithmic behavior was evaluated through the analysis of the mathematical model that represents an ammonia synthesis plant. Its efficacy was assessed by comparing the performance of the OA algorithm with and without MOGAI initialization. The genetic algorithm proved to be advantageous because it led to a significant reduction in the number of iterations required by the OA algorithm.

Palabras clave: Combinatorial Optimization Problem; PSE; Process-Plant Instrumentation Design; Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm; Observability Analysis.

Pp. 12-22

Choosing the Fittest Subset of Low Level Heuristics in a Hyperheuristic Framework

Konstantin Chakhlevitch; Peter Cowling

A hyperheuristic is a high level procedure which searches over a space of low level heuristics rather than directly over the space of problem solutions. The sequence of low level heuristics, applied in an order which is intelligently determined by the hyperheuristic, form a solution method for the problem. In this paper, we consider a hyperheuristic-based methodology where a large set of low level heuristics is constructed by combining simple selection rules. Given sufficient time, this approach is able to achieve high quality results for a real-world personnel scheduling problem. However, some low level heuristics in the set do not make valuable contributions to the search and only slow down the solution process. We introduce learning strategies into hyperheuristics in order to select a fit subset of low level heuristics tailored to a particular problem instance. We compare a range of selection approaches applied to a varied collection of real-world personnel scheduling problem instances.

Palabras clave: Schedule Problem; Problem Instance; Selection Rule; Tabu List; Candidate List.

Pp. 23-33

An Attribute Grammar Decoder for the 01 MultiConstrained Knapsack Problem

Robert Cleary; Michael O’Neill

We describe how the standard genotype-phenotype mapping process of Grammatical Evolution (GE) can be enhanced with an attribute grammar to allow GE to operate as a decoder-based Evolutionary Algorithm (EA). Use of an attribute grammar allows GE to maintain context-sensitive and semantic information pertinent to the capacity constraints of the 01 Multiconstrained Knapsack Problem (MKP). An attribute grammar specification is used to perform decoding similar to a first-fit heuristic. The results presented are encouraging, demonstrating that GE in conjunction with attribute grammars can provide an improvement over the standard context-free mapping process for problems in this domain.

Palabras clave: Evolutionary Algorithm; Mapping Process; Knapsack Problem; Semantic Function; Grammatical Evolution.

Pp. 34-45

EvoGeneS, a New Evolutionary Approach to Graph Generation

Luigi Pietro Cordella; Claudio De Stefano; Francesco Fontanella; Angelo Marcelli

Graphs are powerful and versatile data structures, useful to represent complex and structured information of interest in various fields of science and engineering. We present a system, called EvoGeneS, based on an evolutionary approach, for generating undirected graphs whose number of nodes is not a priori known. The method is based on a special data structure, called multilist, which encodes undirected attributed relational graphs. Two novel crossover and mutation operators are defined in order to evolve such structure. The developed system has been tested on a wireless network configuration and the results compared with those obtained by a genetic programming based approach recently proposed in the literature.

Palabras clave: Access Point; Mutation Operator; Minimum Span Tree; Evolutionary Approach; Graph Generation.

Pp. 46-57

On the Application of Evolutionary Algorithms to the Consensus Tree Problem

Carlos Cotta

Computing consensus trees amounts to finding a single tree that summarizes a collection of trees. Three evolutionary algorithms are defined for this problem, featuring characteristics of genetic programming (GP), evolution strategies (ES) and evolutionary programming (EP) respectively. These algorithms are evaluated on a benchmark composed of phylogenetic trees computed from genomic data. The GP-like algorithm is shown to provide better results than the other evolutionary algorithms, and than two greedy heuristics defined ad hoc for this problem.

Palabras clave: Evolutionary Algorithm; Genetic Programming; Test Suite; Consensus Tree; Greedy Heuristic.

Pp. 58-67

Analyzing Fitness Landscapes for the Optimal Golomb Ruler Problem

Carlos Cotta; Antonio J. Fernández

We focus on the Golomb ruler problem, a hard constrained combinatorial optimization problem. Two alternative encodings are considered, one based on the direct representation of solutions, and one based on the use of an auxiliary decoder. The properties of the corresponding fitness landscapes are analyzed. It turns out that the landscape for the direct encoding is highly irregular, causing drift to low-fitness regions. On the contrary, the landscape for the indirect representation is regular, and exhibits comparable fitness-distance correlation to that of the former landscape. These findings are validated in the context of variable neighborhood search.

Palabras clave: Greedy Randomize Adaptive Search Procedure; Variable Neighborhood Search; Fitness Landscape; Direct Representation; Local Radius.

Pp. 68-79

Immune Algorithms with Aging Operators for the String Folding Problem and the Protein Folding Problem

V. Cutello; G. Morelli; G. Nicosia; M. Pavone

We present an Immune Algorithm (IA) based on clonal selection principle and which uses memory B cells, to face the protein structure prediction problem (PSP) a particular example of the String Folding Problem in 2D and 3D lattice. Memory B cells with a longer life span are used to partition the funnel landscape of PSP, so to properly explore the search space. The designed IA shows its ability to tackle standard benchmarks instances substantially better than other IA’s. In particular, for the 3D HP model the IA allowed us to find energy minima not found by other evolutionary algorithms described in literature.

Palabras clave: Clonal selection algorithms; aging operator; memory B cells; protein structure prediction; HP model; functional model proteins.

Pp. 80-90

Multiobjective Quadratic Assignment Problem Solved by an Explicit Building Block Search Algorithm – MOMGA-IIa

Richard O. Day; Gary B. Lamont

The multi-objective quadratic assignment problem (mQAP) is an non-deterministic polynomial-time complete (NPC) problem with many real-world applications. The application addressed in this paper is the minimization of communication flows in a heterogenous mix of Organic Air Vehicles (OAV). A multi-objective approach to solving the general mQAP for this OAV application is developed. The combinatoric nature of this problem calls for a stochastic search algorithm; moreover, two linkage learning algorithms, the multi-objective fast messy genetic algorithm (MOMGA-II) and MOMGA-IIa, are compared. Twenty-three different problem instances having three different sizes (10, 20, and 30) plus two and three objectives are solved. Results indicate that the MOMGA-IIa resolves all pareto optimal points for problem instances < 20.

Palabras clave: Local Search; Pareto Front; Local Search Method; Quadratic Assignment Problem; Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm.

Pp. 91-100

Lot-Sizing in a Foundry Using Genetic Algorithm and Repair Functions

Jerzy Duda

The paper presents a study of genetic algorithms applied to a lot-sizing problem, which has been formulated for an operational production planning in a foundry. Three variants of genetic algorithm are considered, each of them using special crossover and mutation operators as well as repair functions. The real size test problems, based on the data taken from the production control system, are presented for assessment of the proposed algorithms. The obtained results show that the genetic algorithm with two repair functions can generate good suboptimal solutions in the time, which can be acceptable from the decision maker point of view.

Palabras clave: Genetic Algorithm; Mutation Operator; Working Shift; Machine Type; Repair Function.

Pp. 101-111