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Advances in Natural Computation: 2nd International Conference, ICNC 2006, Xi'an, China, September 24-28, 2006, Proceedings, Part II

Licheng Jiao ; Lipo Wang ; Xinbo Gao ; Jing Liu ; Feng Wu (eds.)

En conferencia: 2º International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC) . Xi’an, China . September 24, 2006 - September 28, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computation by Abstract Devices; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Image Processing and Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition; Evolutionary Biology

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Hardware Implementation of AES Based on Genetic Algorithm

Li Wang; Youren Wang; Rui Yao; Zhai Zhang

The high performance cryptographic chip is the core unit of the network information safety equipments. This paper proposes the design approach of the AES cryptographic system based on reconfigurable hardware, develops the method of key-sequence generation with the genetic algorithm that realizes different cipher key in every encryption round. The system has been implemented on Virtex-E FPGA. The result proves that the new design technology is feasible, and the security level of the AES is improved.

- Hardware | Pp. 904-907

Fault Diagnosis of Complicated Machinery System Based on Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy RBF Neural Network

Guang Yang; Xiaoping Wu; Yexin Song; Yinchun Chen

Compared with traditional Back Propagation (BP) neural network, the advantages of fuzzy neural network in fault diagnosis are analyzed. A new diagnosis method based on genetic algorithm (GA) and fuzzy Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network is presented for complicated machinery system. Fuzzy membership functions are obtained by using RBF neural network, and then genetic algorithm is applied to train fuzzy RBF neural network. The trained fuzzy RBF neural network is used for fault diagnosis of ship main power system. Diagnostic results indicate that the method is of good generalization performance and expansibility. It can significantly improve the diagnostic precision.

Palabras clave: Fault Diagnosis; Back Propagation; Radial Basis Function Neural Network; Radial Basis Function Network; Fuzzy Neural Network.

- Cross-Disciplinary Topics | Pp. 908-917

An Infrared and Neuro-Fuzzy-Based Approach for Identification and Classification of Road Markings

G. N. Marichal; E. J. González; L. Acosta; J. Toledo; M. Sigut; J. Felipe

A low-cost infrared and Neuro-Fuzzy-based approach for identification and classification of road markings is presented in this paper. The main task of the designed prototype, implemented at the University of La Laguna, is to collect information by a set of infrared sensors and to process it in an intelligent mode. As an example, it should inform the driver about the different signs and elements it is driving on, complementing other well-known and widely used security devices. For the identification and classification stages, a Neuro-Fuzzy approach has been chosen; given it is a good option in order to get fuzzy rules and memberships functions in an automatic way.

Palabras clave: Membership Function; Fuzzy Rule; Test Pattern; Traffic Sign; Infrared Sensor.

- Cross-Disciplinary Topics | Pp. 918-927

Unique State and Automatical Action Abstracting Based on Logical MDPs with Negation

Song Zhiwei; Chen Xiaoping

In this paper we introduce negation into Logical Markov Decision Processes, which is a model of Relational Reinforcement Learning. In the new model nLMDP the abstract state space can be constructed in a simple way, so that a good property of complementarity holds. Prototype action is also introduced into the model. A distinct feature of the model is that applicable abstract actions can be obtained automatically with valid substitutions. Given a complementary abstract state space and a set of prototype actions, a model-free Θ-learing method is implemented for evaluating the state-action-substitution value funcion.

- Cross-Disciplinary Topics | Pp. 928-937

Mobile Agent Routing Based on a Two-Stage Optimization Model and a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks

Shaojun Yang; Rui Huang; Haoshan Shi

A new two-stage optimization model for mobile agent routing in the wireless sensor network is presented as a integer linear programming problem based on the virtual connection topology sub graph. In the model, the solution is presented by two subpaths instead of the closed path which is usually applied in many path search methods to keep balance between computation cost and accuracy. A hybrid technique of genetic algorithm (GA) integrated with discrete particle swarm optimization (PSO), GAPSO is designed to solve the problem. Simulation experiments with different sizes and distributions of nodes show the effectiveness of the new model and GAPSO algorithm.

Palabras clave: Sensor Network; Particle Swarm Optimization; Sensor Node; Path Loss; Mobile Agent.

- Cross-Disciplinary Topics | Pp. 938-947

Solving Uncertain Markov Decision Problems: An Interval-Based Method

Shulin Cui; Jigui Sun; Minghao Yin; Shuai Lu

Stochastic Shortest Path problems (SSPs), a subclass of Markov Decision Problems (MDPs), can be efficiently dealt with VI, PI, RTDP, LAO* and so on. However, in many practical problems the estimation of the probabilities is far from accurate. In this paper, we present uncertain transition probabilities as close real intervals. Also, we describe a general algorithm, called gLAO*, that can solve uncertain MDPs efficiently. We demonstrate that Buffet and Aberdeen’s approach, searching for the best policy under the worst model, is a special case of our approaches. Experiments show that gLAO* inherits excellent performance of LAO* for solving uncertain MDPs.

Palabras clave: Optimal Policy; Dynamic Programming Algorithm; State Transition Probability; Policy Iteration; Solution Graph.

- Cross-Disciplinary Topics | Pp. 948-957

Autonomous Navigation Based on the Velocity Space Method in Dynamic Environments

Shi Chao-xia; Hong Bing-rong; Wang Yan-qing; Piao Song-hao

We present a new local obstacle avoidance approach for mobile robots in partially known environments on the basis of the curvature-velocity method (CVM), the lane-curvature method (LCM) and the beam-curvature method (BCM). Not only does this method inherit the advantages from both BCM and LCM, but also it combines the prediction model of collision with BCM perfectly so that the so-called prediction based BCM (PBCM) comes into being and can be used to avoid moving obstacles in dynamic environments.

Palabras clave: Mobile Robot; Velocity Space; Obstacle Avoidance; Autonomous Underwater Vehicle; Autonomous Navigation.

- Cross-Disciplinary Topics | Pp. 958-961

Intentional Agency Framework Based on Cognitive Concepts to Realize Adaptive System Management

Yu Fu; Junyi Shen; Zhonghui Feng

Management software is required to be adaptive and scalable since the managed objects become more and more dynamic and complex. In this paper, we introduce cognitive concepts to deal with the complexity in developing management software, and an interactive intelligent agency framework, called iSMAcy (intelligent System Management Agency), is developed as an integrated solution to realize adaptive system management. The cognitive concepts are applied at two levels. At micro level, the intentional agent kernel of functional agent use mental states such as beliefs, goals and intentions to realize integration of goal-directed behavior with situated reactive action. At macro level, high-level cognitive semantics such as goals, requests and commitments are interchanged among agents. An example of applying iSMAcy system on a simulated network management environment is described, and the efficiency of the intentional agent kernel is analyzed to ensure the reactivity of iSMAcy system.

Palabras clave: Agency Platform; Primitive Action; Agency Node; Agency Framework; Agent Communication Language.

- Cross-Disciplinary Topics | Pp. 962-971

Hybrid Intelligent Aircraft Landing Controller and Its Hardware Implementation

Jih-Gau Juang; Bo-Shian Lin

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of hybrid intelligent control to aircraft automatic landing system. Current flight control law is adopted in the intelligent controller design. Tracking performance and adaptive capability are demonstrated through software simulations. Two control schemes that use neural network controller and neural controller with particle swarm optimization are used to improve the performance of conventional automatic landing system. Control gains are selected by particle swarm optimization. Hardware implementation of this intelligent controller is performed by DSP with VisSim platform. The proposed intelligent controllers can successfully expand the controllable environment in severe wind disturbances.

Palabras clave: Particle Swarm Optimization; Pitch Angle; Hardware Implementation; Particle Swarm Optimization Method; Neural Controller.

- Cross-Disciplinary Topics | Pp. 972-981

Forecasting GDP in China and Efficient Input Interval

Cui Yu-quan; Ma Li-jie; Xu Ya-peng

In this paper we first give a new method of time series model to forecast GDP of China. The method proposed here aims to emphasis the importance of the impact of STEP-Affair on the GDP forecasting. The superiority of the method to ARMA model is illustrated in an example presented accordingly. Then in the system of whole economic when the GDP forecasted above is given, how can we allocate the limited resources to make the economical behavior relative efficient. We use data envelopment analysis to show how to determine input interval. Each input among the input interval as well as the given output constitute an efficient decision making unit (DMU). For decision makers the techniques are very important in decision making, especially in macroeconomic policies making in China.

Palabras clave: Gross Domestic Product; Data Envelopment Analysis; Time Series Analysis; Time Series Model; Decision Make Unit.

- Cross-Disciplinary Topics | Pp. 982-990