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Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2005: 26th International Conference, ICATPN 2005, Miami, FL, June 20-25, 2005, Proceedings

Gianfranco Ciardo ; Philippe Darondeau (eds.)

En conferencia: 26º International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets (ICATPN) . Miami, FL, USA . June 20, 2005 - June 25, 2005

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Theory of Computation; Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science; Software Engineering; Operating Systems; Computer Communication Networks; IT in Business

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Determinate STG Decomposition of Marked Graphs

Mark Schäfer; Walter Vogler; Petr Jančar

STGs give a formalism for the description of asynchronous circuits based on Petri nets. To overcome the state explosion problem one may encounter during circuit synthesis, a nondeterministic algorithm for decomposing STGs was suggested by Chu and improved by one of the present authors. To find the best possible result the algorithm might produce, it would be important to know to what extent nondeterminism influences the result, i.e. to what extent the algorithm is determinate. The result of the algorithm clearly depends on the partition of output signals that has to be chosen initially. In general, it also depends on the order of computation steps. We prove that for live marked graphs — a subclass of Petri nets of definite practical importance in the area of circuit design — the decomposition result depends only on the signal partition. In the proof, we also characterise redundant places in these marked graphs as shortcut places; this easy-to-apply graph-theoretic characterisation is of independent interest.

Palabras clave: Reduction Rule; Reachability Graph; Marked Graph; Transition Contraction; Asynchronous Circuit.

- Full Papers | Pp. 365-384

Timed-Arc Petri Nets vs. Networks of Timed Automata

Jiří Srba

We establish mutual translations between the classes of 1-safe timed-arc Petri nets (and its extension with testing arcs) and networks of timed automata (and its subclass where every clock used in the guard has to be reset). The presented translations are very tight (up to isomorphism of labelled transition systems with time). This provides a convenient characterization from the theoretical point of view but is not always satisfactory from the practical point of view because of the possible non-polynomial blow up in the size (in the direction from automata to nets). Hence we relax the isomorphism requirement and provide efficient (polynomial time) reductions between networks of timed automata and 1-safe timed-arc Petri nets preserving the answer to the reachability question. This makes our techniques suitable for automatic translation into a format required by tools like UPPAAL and KRONOS. A direct corollary of the presented reductions is a new PSPACE-completeness result for reachability in 1-safe timed-arc Petri nets, reusing the region/zone techniques already developed for timed automata.

Palabras clave: Polynomial Time; Transition Rule; Label Transition System; Polynomial Size; Time Automaton.

- Full Papers | Pp. 385-402

Specifying and Analyzing Software Safety Requirements of a Frequency Converter Using Coloured Petri Nets

Lisa Wells; Thomas Maier

Safety-critical systems are systems that can cause undesired loss or damage to life, property, or the environment. Standards for developing safety-critical software often recommend that semi-formal or formal methods should be used to specify, analyze, and verify the behavior of safety-critical software. This paper presents results from a project in which Coloured Petri Nets were used to specify and analyze software safety requirements of a frequency converter being developed by Danfoss Drives. Frequency converters are used to control the speed of motors. The analysis of the model revealed behavior which could lead to hazardous situations or unnecessary failures. Prototype tool support was developed for validating the behavior of an Java-based executable software architecture prototype against the CP-net that specified the desired behavior of the software.

Palabras clave: Frequency Converter; Digital Input; Hazardous Situation; Safety Function; State Space Analysis.

- Full Papers | Pp. 403-422

Achieving a General, Formal and Decidable Approach to the OR-Join in Workflow Using Reset Nets

Moe Thandar Wynn; David Edmond; W. M. P. van der Aalst; A. H. M. ter Hofstede

Workflow languages offer constructs for coordinating tasks. Among these constructs are various types of splits and joins. One type of join, which shows up in various incarnations, is the OR-join. Different approaches assign a different (often only intuitive) semantics to this type of join, though they do share the common theme that synchronisation is only to be performed for active threads. Depending on context assumptions this behaviour may be relatively easy to deal with, though in general its semantics is complicated, both from a definition point of view (in terms of formally capturing a desired intuitive semantics) and from a computational point of view (how does one determine whether an OR-join is enabled?). In this paper the concept of OR-join is examined in detail in the context of the workflow language YAWL, a powerful workflow language designed to support a collection of workflow patterns and inspired by Petri nets. The OR-join’s definition is adapted from an earlier proposal and an algorithmic approach towards determining OR-join enablement is examined. This approach exploits a link that is proposed between YAWL and Reset nets, a variant of Petri nets with a special type of arc that can remove all tokens from a place.

Palabras clave: OR-join; YAWL; Workflow patterns; synchronizing merge; Petri nets; Reset nets.

- Full Papers | Pp. 423-443

The ProM Framework: A New Era in Process Mining Tool Support

B. F. van Dongen; A. K. A. de Medeiros; H. M. W. Verbeek; A. J. M. M. Weijters; W. M. P. van der Aalst

Under the umbrella of buzzwords such as “Business Activity Monitoring” (BAM) and “Business Process Intelligence” (BPI) both academic (e.g., EMiT, Little Thumb, InWoLvE, Process Miner, and MinSoN) and commercial tools (e.g., ARIS PPM, HP BPI, and ILOG JViews) have been developed. The goal of these tools is to extract knowledge from event logs (e.g., transaction logs in an ERP system or audit trails in a WFM system), i.e., to do process mining . Unfortunately, tools use different formats for reading/storing log files and present their results in different ways. This makes it difficult to use different tools on the same data set and to compare the mining results. Furthermore, some of these tools implement concepts that can be very useful in the other tools but it is often difficult to combine tools. As a result, researchers working on new process mining techniques are forced to build a mining infrastructure from scratch or test their techniques in an isolated way, disconnected from any practical applications. To overcome these kind of problems, we have developed the ProM framework, i.e., an “pluggable” environment for process mining. The framework is flexible with respect to the input and output format, and is also open enough to allow for the easy reuse of code during the implementation of new process mining ideas. This paper introduces the ProM framework and gives an overview of the plug-ins that have been developed.

Palabras clave: Linear Temporal Logic; Mining Result; Process Perspective; Transactional Model; Linear Temporal Logic Formula.

- Tool Papers | Pp. 444-454

High Level Petri Nets Analysis with Helena

Sami Evangelista

This paper presents the high level Petri nets analyzer Helena. Helena can be used for the on-the-fly verification of state properties, i.e., properties that must hold in all the reachable states of the system, and deadlock freeness. Some features of Helena make it particularly efficient in terms of memory management. Structural abstractions techniques, mainly transitions agglomerations, are used to tackle the state explosion problem. Benchmarks are presented which compare our tool to Maria. Helena is developed in portable Ada and is freely available under the conditions of the GNU General Public License.

Palabras clave: Model Check; Linear Time Temporal Logic; Distribute Database System; State Explosion Problem; Linear Time Temporal Logic Formula.

- Tool Papers | Pp. 455-464

Protos 7.0: Simulation Made Accessible

Eric Verbeek; Maarte van Hattem; Hajo Reijers; Wendy de Munk

Many consider simulation to be a highly specialist activity: it is difficult to undertake and is even more difficult to understand its outcomes. The new version of the business process modeling tool Protos attempts to more closely integrate modeling and simulation facilities into one tool. The assumed benefit is that business professionals may more easily undertake simulation experiments when they are enabled with the same tool to extend their existing process models to carry out simulation experiments. This paper explains how the existing engine of the Petri-net based tool ExSpect is integrated into Protos 7.0. It also shows the extended user interface of Protos and the simulation reports it generates.

Palabras clave: Business Process; Process Stream; Business Process Management; Business Professional; Resource Class.

- Tool Papers | Pp. 465-474