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Physical Review Applied

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Physical Review Applied (PRApplied) publishes high-quality papers that bridge the gap between engineering and physics, and between current and future technologies. PRApplied welcomes papers from both the engineering and physics communities, in academia and industry.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde jun. 2014 / hasta dic. 2023 Physical Review Journals (APS)


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

American Physical Society (APS)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Characterizing quantum states of light using ghost imaging

Xiaolong Dong; Dongyu Liu; Mingsheng Tian; Shuheng LiuORCID; Yi Li; Tianxiao HuORCID; Qiongyi He; Haitan XuORCID; Zheng Li

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

Pp. No disponible

Efficient and quantum-adaptive machine learning with fermion neural networks

Pei-Lin ZhengORCID; Jia-Bao WangORCID; Yi ZhangORCID

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

Pp. No disponible

Image-force barrier lowering of Schottky barriers in two-dimensional materials as a function of metal contact angle

Sarah R. EvansORCID; Emeric DeylgatORCID; Edward Chen; William G. VandenbergheORCID

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

Pp. No disponible

Quantified effects of the laser-seeding attack in quantum key distribution

V. Lovic; D.G. MarangonORCID; P.R. SmithORCID; R.I. WoodwardORCID; A.J. Shields

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

Pp. No disponible

Nonlocal metasurface based on the multiport structural model

Jie RenORCID; Zhilin HouORCID

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

Pp. No disponible

Operational entanglement-based quantum key distribution over 50 km of field-deployed optical fibers

Yoann Pelet; Grégory SauderORCID; Mathis Cohen; Laurent LabontéORCID; Olivier Alibart; Anthony Martin; Sébastien Tanzilli

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

Pp. No disponible

Minnaert resonance in an array of two-dimensional bubbles

Camila Horvath; Yolanda Vargas-Hernández; María Luisa CorderoORCID

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

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Experimental observation of the topological interface state in a one-dimensional waterborne acoustic waveguide

Licheng LuoORCID; Liping Ye; Hailong HeORCID; Jiuyang LuORCID; Manzhu Ke; Zhengyou Liu

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

Pp. No disponible

One-time universal hashing quantum digital signatures without perfect keys

Bing-Hong LiORCID; Yuan-Mei Xie; Xiao-Yu Cao; Chen-Long Li; Yao Fu; Hua-Lei YinORCID; Zeng-Bing Chen

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

Pp. No disponible

Impact of MBE-grown (In,Ga)As
Paweł WyborskiORCID; Michał GawełczykORCID; Paweł PodemskiORCID; Piotr Andrzej WrońskiORCID; Mirosława PawlytaORCID; Sandeep GorantlaORCID; Fauzia JabeenORCID; Sven HöflingORCID; Grzegorz SękORCID

Palabras clave: General Physics and Astronomy.

Pp. No disponible