Catálogo de publicaciones - revistas
Quantum Science and Technology
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A multidisciplinary, high impact journal devoted to publishing research of the highest quality and significance covering the science and application of all quantum-enabled technologies.Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
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No detectada | desde ago. 2016 / hasta dic. 2023 | IOPScience |
Tipo de recurso:
ISSN electrónico
Editor responsable
IOP Publishing (IOP)
País de edición
Estados Unidos
Fecha de publicación
Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
Quantum sensitivity limits of nuclear magnetic resonance experiments searching for new fundamental physics
Deniz Aybas
; Hendrik Bekker; John W Blanchard
; Dmitry Budker
; Gary P Centers; Nataniel L Figueroa
; Alexander V Gramolin
; Derek F Jackson Kimball
; Arne Wickenbrock; Alexander O Sushkov
Palabras clave: Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics.
Pp. 034007
Variational quantum eigensolver for approximate diagonalization of downfolded Hamiltonians using generalized unitary coupled cluster ansatz
Bauman Nicholas P
; Jaroslav Chládek; Libor Veis
; Jiří Pittner
; Kowalski Karol
Palabras clave: Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics.
Pp. 034008
Optimal calibration of gates in trapped-ion quantum computers
Andrii Maksymov
; Pradeep Niroula; Yunseong Nam
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>To harness the power of quantum computing, it is essential that a quantum computer provide maximal possible fidelity for a quantum circuit. To this end, much work has been done in the context of qubit routing or embedding, i.e., mapping circuit qubits to physical qubits based on gate performance metrics to optimize the fidelity of execution. Here, we take an alternative approach that leverages a unique capability of a trapped-ion quantum computer, i.e., the all-to-all qubit connectivity. We develop a method to determine a fixed number (budget) of quantum gates that, when calibrated, will maximize the fidelity of a batch of input quantum programs. This dynamic allocation of calibration resources on randomly accessible gates, determined using our heuristics, increases, for a wide range of calibration budget, the average fidelity from 70% or lower to 90% or higher for a typical batch of jobs on an 11-qubit device, in which the fidelity of calibrated and uncalibrated gates are taken to be 99% and 90%, respectively. Our heuristics are scalable, more than 2.5 orders of magnitude faster than a randomized method for synthetic benchmark circuits generated based on real-world use cases.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics.
Pp. 034009
Hybrid quantum–classical optimization with cardinality constraints and applications to finance
Samuel Fernández-Lorenzo; Diego Porras
; Juan José García-Ripoll
Palabras clave: Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics.
Pp. 034010
Hybrid MEMS-CMOS ion traps for NISQ computing
M G Blain
; R Haltli; P Maunz
; C D Nordquist
; M Revelle
; D Stick
Palabras clave: Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics.
Pp. 034011
Improving the accuracy and efficiency of quantum connected moments expansions *
Daniel Claudino
; Bo Peng; Nicholas P Bauman; Karol Kowalski; Travis S Humble
Palabras clave: Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics.
Pp. 034012
Quantum process tomography of a Mølmer-Sørensen gate via a global beam
Holly N Tinkey; Adam M Meier; Craig R Clark; Christopher M Seck
; Kenton R Brown
Palabras clave: Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics.
Pp. 034013
Low-lying energy levels of 229Th35+ and the electronic bridge process
S G Porsev
; C Cheung; M S Safronova
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The nuclear transition between the ground and the low-energy isomeric state in the <jats:sup>229</jats:sup>Th nucleus is of interest due to its high sensitivity to a hypothetical temporal variation of the fundamental constants and a possibility to build a very precise nuclear clock, but precise knowledge of the nuclear clock transition frequency is required. In this work, we estimate the probability of an electronic bridge (EB) process in <jats:sup>229</jats:sup>Th<jats:sup>35+</jats:sup>, allowing to determine the nuclear transition frequency and reduce its uncertainty. Using configuration interaction methods, we calculated energies of the low-lying states of Th<jats:sup>35+</jats:sup> and determined their uncertainties. Our calculations showed that the transition energy from the <jats:italic>J</jats:italic> = 15/2 state to the ground state, 8.31 eV, is close to the central value of the experimentally determined nuclear isomer energy, 8.19 eV, and practically coincides with the upper edge value, 8.31 eV. It opens new possibilities for a more precise measurement of the nuclear isomer energy using an EB process.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics.
Pp. 034014
Mutual information-assisted adaptive variational quantum eigensolver
Zi-Jian Zhang
; Thi Ha Kyaw
; Jakob S Kottmann
; Matthias Degroote
; Alán Aspuru-Guzik
Palabras clave: Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics.
Pp. 035001
The controlled SWAP test for determining quantum entanglement
Steph Foulds
; Viv Kendon
; Tim Spiller
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>Quantum entanglement is essential to the development of quantum computation, communications, and technology. The controlled SWAP test, widely used for state comparison, can be adapted to an efficient and useful test for entanglement of a pure state. Here we show that the test can evidence the presence of entanglement (and further, genuine <jats:italic>n</jats:italic>-qubit entanglement), can distinguish entanglement classes, and that the concurrence of a two-qubit state is related to the test’s output probabilities. We also propose a multipartite measure of entanglement that acts similarly for <jats:italic>n</jats:italic>-qubit states. The average number of copies of the test state required to detect entanglement decreases for larger systems, to four on average for many (<jats:italic>n</jats:italic> ≳ 8) qubits for maximally entangled states. For non-maximally entangled states, the number of copies required to detect entanglement increases with decreasing entanglement. Furthermore, the results are robust to second order when typical small errors are introduced to the state under investigation.</jats:p>
Palabras clave: Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics.
Pp. 035002