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Veterinary Parasitology

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
This journal is concerned with those aspects of helminthology, protozoology and entomology which are of interest to animal health investigators, veterinary practitioners and others with a special interest in parasitology. Papers of the highest quality dealing with all aspects of disease prevention, pathology, treatment, epidemiology, and control of parasites in all domesticated animals, fall within the scope of the journal. Papers of geographically limited (local) interest which are not of interest to an international audience will not be accepted. Authors who submit papers based on local data will need to indicate why their paper is relevant to a broader readership.

Parasitological studies on laboratory animals fall within the scope of the journal only if they provide a reasonably close model of a disease of domestic animals. Additionally the journal will consider papers relating to wildlife species where they may act as disease reservoirs to domestic animals, or as a zoonotic reservoir. Case studies considered to be unique or of specific interest to the journal, will also be considered on occasions at the Editors' discretion. Papers dealing exclusively with the taxonomy of parasites do not fall within the scope of the journal.

Studies on rickettsial disease organisms (Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Eperythrozoon) will be considered for publication in Veterinary Parasitology, but only if the paper deals with vector transmission of these organisms to domesticated animals, or if zoonotic. Studies on Rickettsia per se will not be accepted.

Studies dealing with parasite control by means of natural products, both in vivo and in vitro, fall within the scope of the journal, but only if well documented and with therapeutically relevant minimum inhibitory concentrations of the active compound(s) being clearly demonstrated.

Circumstances relating to animal experimentation must meet the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals as issued by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences. (Obtainable from: Executive Secretary C.I.O.M.S., c/o W.H.O., Via Appia, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.)
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde jun. 1975 / hasta dic. 2023 ScienceDirect


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ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable


País de edición

Países Bajos

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Further thoughts on the taxonomy and vector role of Rhipicephalus sanguineus group ticks

Filipe Dantas-Torres; Domenico Otranto

Palabras clave: General Veterinary; Parasitology.

Pp. 9-13

Canine vector-borne co-infections: Ehrlichia canis and Hepatozoon canis in the same host monocytes

Gad Baneth; Shimon Harrus; Arnon Gal; Itamar Aroch

Pp. 30-34

Diagnostic challenges and the unwritten stories of dog and cat parasites

Domenico Otranto

Pp. 54-61

The role of wild canids and felids in spreading parasites to dogs and cats in Europe

Domenico Otranto; Cinzia Cantacessi; Martin Pfeffer; Filipe Dantas-Torres; Emanuele Brianti; Peter Deplazes; Claudio Genchi; Vittorio Guberti; Gioia Capelli

Palabras clave: General Veterinary; Parasitology.

Pp. 12-23

Arthropods and associated arthropod-borne diseases transmitted by migrating birds. The case of ticks and tick-borne pathogens

Olivier Sparagano; David George; Annunziata Giangaspero; Eva Špitalská

Palabras clave: General Veterinary; Parasitology.

Pp. 61-66

Ticks imported to Europe with exotic reptiles

Andrei Daniel Mihalca

Pp. 67-71

Ticks collected from humans, domestic animals, and wildlife in Yucatan, Mexico

R.I. Rodríguez-Vivas; D.A. Apanaskevich; M.M Ojeda-Chi; I. Trinidad-Martínez; E. Reyes-NoveloORCID; M.D. Esteve-Gassent; A.A. Pérez de León

Pp. 106-113

Limited sharing of tick-borne hemoparasites between sympatric wild and domestic ungulates

Ria R. GhaiORCID; Mathew Mutinda; Vanessa O. Ezenwa

Palabras clave: General Veterinary; Parasitology.

Pp. 167-173

Nanophyetus salmincola, vector of the salmon poisoning disease agent Neorickettsia helminthoeca, harbors a second pathogenic Neorickettsia species

Stephen E. Greiman; Michael L. Kent; John Betts; Deborah Cochell; Tiah Sigler; Vasyl V. Tkach

Pp. 107-109

Cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) from cats and dogs in New Zealand: Molecular characterisation, presence of Rickettsia felis and Bartonella clarridgeiae and comparison with Australia

Shona Chandra; Maureen Forsyth; Andrea L. Lawrence; David Emery; Jan Šlapeta

Palabras clave: General Veterinary; Parasitology.

Pp. 25-30