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No detectada desde mar. 1997 / hasta dic. 2023 Science Journals


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ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Physics: New Proof Hides Cosmic Embarrassment

James Glanz

<jats:p> Stephen Hawking is betting his shirt again. Earlier this year, the Cambridge University astrophysicist conceded one wager about the hypothetical ruptures in the laws of nature called singularities. But this time, according to a new theorem to be published in the <jats:italic>Annals of Mathematics</jats:italic> , Hawking has a better chance of winning. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 39-39

Online Agriculture Atlas

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 41-41

Map Marks the X (Chromosome)

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 41-41

Seeking Stars for the 21st Century

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 41-41

Smoothing the Way for Animal Alternatives

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 41-41

Book Reviews| Early Vertebrates , reviewed by G. V. L

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 46-47

Seeing a Mountain in a Grain of Garnet

J. G. Liou; S. Maruyama; W. G. Ernst

<jats:p> The collision of continents, which results in mountain formation, takes place through subduction, in which one slab of crust is pushed below another. The rock that is subducted is put under high pressure and new mineral phases can form. As discussed in the Perspective by Liou <jats:italic>et al.</jats:italic> , a report by Darling <jats:italic>et al.</jats:italic> in the same issue ( <jats:related-article xmlns:xlink="" ext-link-type="doi" page="91" related-article-type="in-this-issue" vol="276" xlink:href="10.1126/science.276.5309.91" xlink:type="simple">p. 91</jats:related-article> ) describes a low-pressure mineral--cristobalite--that was found in high-pressure rocks. Understanding how this low-pressure form of silicate was created and preserved may lead to better understanding of the process of subduction and how deep material is brought to the surface. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 48-49

The Cis-Trans Paradox of Integrase

Makkuni Jayaram

<jats:p> During recombination, strands of DNA break and are rejoined, producing the reshuffling of genetic information that underlies genetic diversity. Jayaram discusses the chemical mechanism underlying this process, including the controversial cis-trans paradox, as revealed by the x-ray crystallographic structure of the recombinase lambda integrase, reported in this issue by Kwon <jats:italic>et al.</jats:italic> ( <jats:related-article xmlns:xlink="" ext-link-type="doi" page="126" related-article-type="in-this-issue" vol="276" xlink:href="10.1126/science.276.5309.126" xlink:type="simple">p. 126</jats:related-article> ). </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 49-51

Coreceptors--Implications for HIV Pathogenesis and Therapy

John P. Moore

<jats:p>Last year, the second of the two receptors that HIV uses to enter and infect human cells was identified. In his Perspective, Moore discusses the resulting revolution in thought about how these coreceptor molecules can influence the progress of AIDS and what their existence means for future therapies.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 51-52


Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 52-52