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No detectada desde mar. 1997 / hasta dic. 2023 Science Journals


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ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Rabbit Control in New Zealand

Trevor H. Duston

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 17-21

Clintons to Discuss Kids and Neuroscience

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 23-23

Russia Steps Into AIDS Research Arena

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 23-23

U.S. Gains Role in LHC

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 23-23

Court to Review Expert Testimony Criteria

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 23-23

Tenure Turmoil Sparks Reforms

Constance Holden

<jats:p>Pinched by shrinking budgets, institutions of higher education, state legislatures, and boards of regents are reevaluating the terms of tenure, which has come under fierce attack in recent years. While a few institutions have abolished their tenure systems, most are tightening it up to ensure greater accountability. On many campuses, tenure is become harder to get and--with new systems of posttenure review--a little easier to lose. And in some cases, it is being redefined as a guarantee of a teaching job and an office, but not necessarily a full salary.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 24-26

Evergreen Adopts Tenurelike System

Constance Holden

<jats:p>To hear some critics tell it, tenure has gone the way of the one-room schoolhouse. But a closer look at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, which often is cited as having spurned tenure, suggests that reports of the system's demise are premature.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 25-25

Merit Review: NSF Adopts New Guidelines

Jeffrey Mervis

<jats:p>Scientists who review grant proposals for the National Science Foundation (NSF) soon will be asked to judge them according to just two criteria: scientific quality and impact on society. The new approach, adopted last week by the National Science Board, eliminates separate criteria relating to the applicant's track record and the effect of the project on the nation's scientific infrastructure.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 26-26

Mammography: NCI Reverses One Expert Panel, Sides With Another

Gary Taubes

<jats:p>The National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommended last week that women in their forties should get mammograms every 1 to 2 years. The announcement came just 5 days after the American Cancer Society stated first that it favored yearly mammograms for 40-something women. This apparent harmony, however, masks a highly contentious debate in which different groups of scientists have come to different conclusions about the same set of data. And the debate has been tainted by political pressure from the U.S. Congress, which has put many of the researchers involved in a highly uncomfortable position.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 27-28

Tritium Supply: Test Reactor Touted for Bomb Fuel

Andrew Lawler

<jats:p> <jats:bold>RICHLAND, WASHINGTON</jats:bold> --The need to replenish constantly the nation's dwindling supply of tritium, an essential component of nuclear weapons, has caused Energy Department officials to study the feasibility of such multibillion-dollar solutions as a new reactor or a proton accelerator at its Savannah River facility in South Carolina. Now a third, far less expensive, idea has come to the fore--reviving a mothballed reactor at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington state. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Multidisciplinary.

Pp. 28-28