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ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which publishes surveys, tutorials, and special reports on all areas of computing research. Volumes are published yearly in four issues appearing in March, June, September, and December.
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No detectada desde mar. 1969 / hasta dic. 2023 ACM Digital Library


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Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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Estados Unidos

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Tabla de contenidos

Program Analysis of Commodity IoT Applications for Security and Privacy

Z. Berkay CelikORCID; Earlence Fernandes; Eric Pauley; Gang Tan; Patrick McDaniel

<jats:p>Recent advances in Internet of Things (IoT) have enabled myriad domains such as smart homes, personal monitoring devices, and enhanced manufacturing. IoT is now pervasive—new applications are being used in nearly every conceivable environment, which leads to the adoption of device-based interaction and automation. However, IoT has also raised issues about the security and privacy of these digitally augmented spaces. Program analysis is crucial in identifying those issues, yet the application and scope of program analysis in IoT remains largely unexplored by the technical community. In this article, we study privacy and security issues in IoT that require program-analysis techniques with an emphasis on identified attacks against these systems and defenses implemented so far. Based on a study of five IoT programming platforms, we identify the key insights that result from research efforts in both the program analysis and security communities and relate the efficacy of program-analysis techniques to security and privacy issues. We conclude by studying recent IoT analysis systems and exploring their implementations. Through these explorations, we highlight key challenges and opportunities in calibrating for the environments in which IoT systems will be used.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-30

Decision Tree Classification with Differential Privacy

Sam FletcherORCID; Md. Zahidul Islam

<jats:p>Data mining information about people is becoming increasingly important in the data-driven society of the 21st century. Unfortunately, sometimes there are real-world considerations that conflict with the goals of data mining; sometimes the privacy of the people being data mined needs to be considered. This necessitates that the output of data mining algorithms be modified to preserve privacy while simultaneously not ruining the predictive power of the outputted model. Differential privacy is a strong, enforceable definition of privacy that can be used in data mining algorithms, guaranteeing that nothing will be learned about the people in the data that could not already be discovered without their participation. In this survey, we focus on one particular data mining algorithm—decision trees—and how differential privacy interacts with each of the components that constitute decision tree algorithms. We analyze both greedy and random decision trees, and the conflicts that arise when trying to balance privacy requirements with the accuracy of the model.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-33

Software Development Lifecycle for Energy Efficiency

Stefanos GeorgiouORCID; Stamatia Rizou; Diomidis Spinellis

<jats:p> <jats:bold>Motivation:</jats:bold> In modern <jats:sc>it</jats:sc> systems, the increasing demand for computational power is tightly coupled with ever higher energy consumption. Traditionally, energy efficiency research has focused on reducing energy consumption at the hardware level. Nevertheless, the software itself provides numerous opportunities for improving energy efficiency. </jats:p> <jats:p> <jats:bold>Goal:</jats:bold> Given that energy efficiency for <jats:sc>it</jats:sc> systems is a rising concern, we investigate existing work in the area of energy-aware software development and identify open research challenges. Our goal is to reveal limitations, features, and tradeoffs regarding energy-performance for software development and provide insights on existing approaches, tools, and techniques for energy-efficient programming. </jats:p> <jats:p> <jats:bold>Method:</jats:bold> We analyze and categorize research work mostly extracted from top-tier conferences and journals concerning energy efficiency across the software development lifecycle phases. </jats:p> <jats:p> <jats:bold>Results:</jats:bold> Our analysis shows that related work in this area has focused mainly on the implementation and verification phases of the software development lifecycle. Existing work shows that the use of parallel and approximate programming, source code analyzers, efficient data structures, coding practices, and specific programming languages can significantly increase energy efficiency. Moreover, the utilization of energy monitoring tools and benchmarks can provide insights for the software practitioners and raise energy-awareness during the development phase. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-33

Understanding Deep Learning Techniques for Image Segmentation

Swarnendu Ghosh; Nibaran DasORCID; Ishita Das; Ujjwal Maulik

<jats:p>The machine learning community has been overwhelmed by a plethora of deep learning--based approaches. Many challenging computer vision tasks, such as detection, localization, recognition, and segmentation of objects in an unconstrained environment, are being efficiently addressed by various types of deep neural networks, such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent networks, adversarial networks, and autoencoders. Although there have been plenty of analytical studies regarding the object detection or recognition domain, many new deep learning techniques have surfaced with respect to image segmentation techniques. This article approaches these various deep learning techniques of image segmentation from an analytical perspective. The main goal of this work is to provide an intuitive understanding of the major techniques that have made a significant contribution to the image segmentation domain. Starting from some of the traditional image segmentation approaches, the article progresses by describing the effect that deep learning has had on the image segmentation domain. Thereafter, most of the major segmentation algorithms have been logically categorized with paragraphs dedicated to their unique contribution. With an ample amount of intuitive explanations, the reader is expected to have an improved ability to visualize the internal dynamics of these processes.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-35

Huffman Coding

Alistair MoffatORCID

<jats:p>Huffman’s algorithm for computing minimum-redundancy prefix-free codes has almost legendary status in the computing disciplines. Its elegant blend of simplicity and applicability has made it a favorite example in algorithms courses, and as a result it is perhaps one of the most commonly implemented algorithmic techniques. This article presents a tutorial on Huffman coding and surveys some of the developments that have flowed as a consequence of Huffman’s original discovery, including details of code calculation and of encoding and decoding operations. We also survey related mechanisms, covering both arithmetic coding and the recently developed asymmetric numeral systems approach and briefly discuss other Huffman-coding variants, including length-limited codes.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-35

A Systematic Review on Imbalanced Data Challenges in Machine Learning

Harsurinder Kaur; Husanbir Singh Pannu; Avleen Kaur MalhiORCID

<jats:p>In machine learning, the data imbalance imposes challenges to perform data analytics in almost all areas of real-world research. The raw primary data often suffers from the skewed perspective of data distribution of one class over the other as in the case of computer vision, information security, marketing, and medical science. The goal of this article is to present a comparative analysis of the approaches from the reference of data pre-processing, algorithmic and hybrid paradigms for contemporary imbalance data analysis techniques, and their comparative study in lieu of different data distribution and their application areas.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-36

A Survey on 360° Video Streaming

Ching-Ling Fan; Wen-Chih Lo; Yu-Tung Pai; Cheng-Hsin HsuORCID

<jats:p>Head-mounted displays and 360° videos have become increasingly more popular, delivering a more immersive viewing experience to end users. Streaming 360° videos over the best-effort Internet, however, faces tremendous challenges, because of the high resolution and the short response time requirements. This survey presents the current literature related to 360° video streaming. We start with 360° video streaming systems built for real experiments to investigate the practicality and efficiency of 360° video streaming. We then present the video and viewer datasets, which may be used to drive large-scale simulations and experiments. Different optimization tools in various stages of the 360° video streaming pipeline are discussed in detail. We also present various applications enabled by 360° video streaming. In the appendices, we review the off-the-shelf hardware available at the time of writing and the open research problems.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-36

Beyond 2014

Wojciech Wideł; Maxime Audinot; Barbara FilaORCID; Sophie Pinchinat

<jats:p>Attack trees are a well established and commonly used framework for security modeling. They provide a readable and structured representation of possible attacks against a system to protect. Their hierarchical structure reveals common features of the attacks and enables quantitative evaluation of security, thus highlighting the most severe vulnerabilities to focus on while implementing countermeasures. Since in real-life studies attack trees have a large number of nodes, their manual creation is a tedious and error-prone process, and their analysis is a computationally challenging task. During the last half decade, the attack tree community witnessed a growing interest in employing formal methods to deal with the aforementioned difficulties. We survey recent advances in graphical security modeling with focus on the application of formal methods to the interpretation, (semi-)automated creation, and quantitative analysis of attack trees and their extensions. We provide a unified description of existing frameworks, compare their features, and outline interesting open questions.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-36

A Survey on Scheduling Strategies for Workflows in Cloud Environment and Emerging Trends

Mainak Adhikari; Tarachand AmgothORCID; Satish Narayana SriramaORCID

<jats:p>Workflow scheduling is one of the challenging issues in emerging trends of the distributed environment that focuses on satisfying various quality of service (QoS) constraints. The cloud receives the applications as a form of a workflow, consisting of a set of interdependent tasks, to solve the large-scale scientific or enterprise problems. Workflow scheduling in the cloud environment has been studied extensively over the years, and this article provides a comprehensive review of the approaches. This article analyses the characteristics of various workflow scheduling techniques and classifies them based on their objectives and execution model. In addition, the recent technological developments and paradigms such as serverless computing and Fog computing are creating new requirements/opportunities for workflow scheduling in a distributed environment. The serverless infrastructures are mainly designed for processing background tasks such as Internet-of-Things (IoT), web applications, or event-driven applications. To address the ever-increasing demands of resources and to overcome the drawbacks of the cloud-centric IoT, the Fog computing paradigm has been developed. This article also discusses workflow scheduling in the context of these emerging trends of cloud computing.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-36

Towards Adversarial Malware Detection

Davide MaiorcaORCID; Battista Biggio; Giorgio Giacinto

<jats:p>Malware still constitutes a major threat in the cybersecurity landscape, also due to the widespread use of infection vectors such as documents. These infection vectors hide embedded malicious code to the victim users, facilitating the use of social engineering techniques to infect their machines. Research showed that machine-learning algorithms provide effective detection mechanisms against such threats, but the existence of an arms race in adversarial settings has recently challenged such systems. In this work, we focus on malware embedded in PDF files as a representative case of such an arms race. We start by providing a comprehensive taxonomy of the different approaches used to generate PDF malware and of the corresponding learning-based detection systems. We then categorize threats specifically targeted against learning-based PDF malware detectors using a well-established framework in the field of adversarial machine learning. This framework allows us to categorize known vulnerabilities of learning-based PDF malware detectors and to identify novel attacks that may threaten such systems, along with the potential defense mechanisms that can mitigate the impact of such threats. We conclude the article by discussing how such findings highlight promising research directions towards tackling the more general challenge of designing robust malware detectors in adversarial settings.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-36