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ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which publishes surveys, tutorials, and special reports on all areas of computing research. Volumes are published yearly in four issues appearing in March, June, September, and December.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde mar. 1969 / hasta dic. 2023 ACM Digital Library


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Editor responsable

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

A Survey and Analysis of the GNSS Spoofing Threat and Countermeasures

Desmond Schmidt; Kenneth Radke; Seyit Camtepe; Ernest Foo; Michał Ren

<jats:p>Detection and prevention of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) “spoofing” attacks, or the broadcast of false global navigation satellite system services, has recently attracted much research interest. This survey aims to fill three gaps in the literature: first, to assess in detail the exact nature of threat scenarios posed by spoofing against the most commonly cited targets; second, to investigate the many practical impediments, often underplayed, to carrying out GNSS spoofing attacks in the field; and third, to survey and assess the effectiveness of a wide range of proposed defences against GNSS spoofing. Our conclusion lists promising areas of future research.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-31

A Survey of Techniques for Approximate Computing

Sparsh MittalORCID

<jats:p>Approximate computing trades off computation quality with effort expended, and as rising performance demands confront plateauing resource budgets, approximate computing has become not merely attractive, but even imperative. In this article, we present a survey of techniques for approximate computing (AC). We discuss strategies for finding approximable program portions and monitoring output quality, techniques for using AC in different processing units (e.g., CPU, GPU, and FPGA), processor components, memory technologies, and so forth, as well as programming frameworks for AC. We classify these techniques based on several key characteristics to emphasize their similarities and differences. The aim of this article is to provide insights to researchers into working of AC techniques and inspire more efforts in this area to make AC the mainstream computing approach in future systems.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-33

Seamless Outdoors-Indoors Localization Solutions on Smartphones

Halgurd S. Maghdid; Ihsan Alshahib Lami; Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor; Jaime Lloret

<jats:p>The demand for more sophisticated Location-Based Services (LBS) in terms of applications variety and accuracy is tripling every year since the emergence of the smartphone a few years ago. Equally, smartphone manufacturers are mounting several wireless communication and localization technologies, inertial sensors as well as powerful processing capability, to cater to such LBS applications. A hybrid of wireless technologies is needed to provide seamless localization solutions and to improve accuracy, to reduce time to fix, and to reduce power consumption. The review of localization techniques/technologies of this emerging field is therefore important. This article reviews the recent research-oriented and commercial localization solutions on smartphones. The focus of this article is on the implementation challenges associated with utilizing these positioning solutions on Android-based smartphones. Furthermore, the taxonomy of smartphone-location techniques is highlighted with a special focus on the detail of each technique and its hybridization. The article compares the indoor localization techniques based on accuracy, utilized wireless technology, overhead, and localization technique used. The pursuit of achieving ubiquitous localization outdoors and indoors for critical LBS applications such as security and safety shall dominate future research efforts.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-34

Olfaction-Enhanced Multimedia

Niall Murray; Brian Lee; Yuansong Qiao; Gabriel-Miro Muntean

<jats:p>Recently, the concept of olfaction-enhanced multimedia applications has gained traction as a step toward further enhancing user quality of experience. The next generation of rich media services will be immersive and multisensory, with olfaction playing a key role. This survey reviews current olfactory-related research from a number of perspectives. It introduces and explains relevant olfactory psychophysical terminology, knowledge of which is necessary for working with olfaction as a media component. In addition, it reviews and highlights the use of, and potential for, olfaction across a number of application domains, namely health, tourism, education, and training. A taxonomy of research and development of olfactory displays is provided in terms of display type, scent generation mechanism, application area, and strengths/weaknesses. State of the art research works involving olfaction are discussed and associated research challenges are proposed.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-34

Type Inference on Executables

Juan Caballero; Zhiqiang Lin

<jats:p>In many applications, source code and debugging symbols of a target program are not available, and the only thing that we can access is the program executable. A fundamental challenge with executables is that, during compilation, critical information such as variables and types is lost. Given that typed variables provide fundamental semantics of a program, for the last 16 years, a large amount of research has been carried out on binary code type inference, a challenging task that aims to infer typed variables from executables (also referred to as binary code). In this article, we systematize the area of binary code type inference according to its most important dimensions: the applications that motivate its importance, the approaches used, the types that those approaches infer, the implementation of those approaches, and how the inference results are evaluated. We also discuss limitations, underdeveloped problems and open challenges, and propose further applications.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-35

A Survey on Design Approaches to Circumvent Permanent Faults in Networks-on-Chip

Sebastian Werner; Javier Navaridas; Mikel Luján

<jats:p>Increasing fault rates in current and future technology nodes coupled with on-chip components in the hundreds calls for robust and fault-tolerant Network-on-Chip (NoC) designs. Given the central role of NoCs in today’s many-core chips, permanent faults impeding their original functionality may significantly influence performance, energy consumption, and correct operation of the entire system. As a result, fault-tolerant NoC design gained much attention in recent years. In this article, we review the vast research efforts regarding a NoC’s components, namely, topology, routing algorithm, router microarchitecture, as well as system-level approaches combined with reconfiguration; discuss the proposed architectures; and identify outstanding research questions.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-36

Parallel Optimal Pairwise Biological Sequence Comparison

Edans Flavius De Oliveira Sandes; Azzedine Boukerche; Alba Cristina Magalhaes Alves De Melo

<jats:p>Many bioinformatics applications, such as the optimal pairwise biological sequence comparison, demand a great quantity of computing resource, thus are excellent candidates to run in high-performance computing (HPC) platforms. In the last two decades, a large number of HPC-based solutions were proposed for this problem that run in different platforms, targeting different types of comparisons with slightly different algorithms and making the comparative analysis of these approaches very difficult. This article proposes a classification of parallel optimal pairwise sequence comparison solutions, in order to highlight their main characteristics in a unified way. We then discuss several HPC-based solutions, including clusters of multicores and accelerators such as Cell Broadband Engines (CellBEs), Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and Intel Xeon Phi, as well as hybrid solutions, which combine two or more platforms, providing the actual landscape of the main proposals in this area. Finally, we present open questions and perspectives in this research field.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-36

A Survey of Role Mining

Barsha Mitra; Shamik Sural; Jaideep Vaidya; Vijayalakshmi Atluri

<jats:p>Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is the most widely used model for advanced access control deployed in diverse enterprises of all sizes. RBAC critically depends on defining roles, which are a functional intermediate between users and permissions. Thus, for RBAC to be effective, an appropriate set of roles needs to be identified. Since many organizations already have user-permission assignments defined in some form, it makes sense to identify roles from this existing information. This process, known as role mining, is one of the critical steps for successful RBAC adoption in any enterprise. In recent years, numerous role mining techniques have been developed, which take into account the characteristics of the core RBAC model, as well as its various extended features. In this article, we comprehensively study and classify the basic problem of role mining along with its several variants and the corresponding solution strategies. Categorization is done on the basis of the nature of the target RBAC system, the objective of role mining, and the type of solution. We then discuss the limitations of existing work and identify new areas of research that can lead to further enrichment of this field.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-37

The Ethics of Computing

Bernd Carsten Stahl; Job Timmermans; Brent Daniel Mittelstadt

<jats:p>Computing technologies and artifacts are increasingly integrated into most aspects of our professional, social, and private lives. One consequence of this growing ubiquity of computing is that it can have significant ethical implications that computing professionals need to be aware of. The relationship between ethics and computing has long been discussed. However, this is the first comprehensive survey of the mainstream academic literature of the topic. Based on a detailed qualitative analysis of the literature, the article discusses ethical issues, technologies that they are related to, and ethical theories, as well as the methodologies that the literature employs, its academic contribution, and resulting recommendations. The article discusses general trends and argues that the time has come for a transition to responsible research and innovation to ensure that ethical reflection of computing has practical and manifest consequences.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-38

Shared-Memory Optimizations for Inter-Virtual-Machine Communication

Yi Ren; Ling Liu; Qi Zhang; Qingbo Wu; Jianbo Guan; Jinzhu Kong; Huadong Dai; Lisong Shao

<jats:p>Virtual machines (VMs) and virtualization are one of the core computing technologies today. Inter-VM communication is not only prevalent but also one of the leading costs for data-intensive systems and applications in most data centers and cloud computing environments. One way to improve inter-VM communication efficiency is to support coresident VM communication using shared-memory-based methods and resort to the traditional TCP/IP for communications between VMs that are located on different physical machines. In recent years, several independent kernel development efforts have been dedicated to improving communication efficiency between coresident VMs using shared-memory channels, and the development efforts differ from one another in terms of where and how the shared-memory channel is established. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of the design choices and techniques for performance optimization of coresident inter-VM communication. We examine the key issues for improving inter-VM communication using shared-memory-based mechanisms, such as implementation choices in the software stack, seamless agility for dynamic addition or removal of coresident VMs, and multilevel transparency, as well as advanced requirements in reliability, security, and stability. An in-depth comparison of state-of-the-art research efforts, implementation techniques, evaluation methods, and performance is conducted. We conjecture that this comprehensive survey will not only provide the foundation for developing the next generation of inter-VM communication optimization mechanisms but also offers opportunities to both cloud infrastructure providers and cloud service providers and consumers for improving communication efficiency between coresident VMs in virtualized computing platforms.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-42