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ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which publishes surveys, tutorials, and special reports on all areas of computing research. Volumes are published yearly in four issues appearing in March, June, September, and December.
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No detectada desde mar. 1969 / hasta dic. 2023 ACM Digital Library


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ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

A Taxonomy of Domain-Specific Aspect Languages

Johan Fabry; Tom Dinkelaker; Jacques Noyé; Éric Tanter

<jats:p>Domain-Specific Aspect Languages (DSALs) are Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) designed to express crosscutting concerns. Compared to DSLs, their aspectual nature greatly amplifies the language design space. We structure this space in order to shed light on and compare the different domain-specific approaches to deal with crosscutting concerns. We report on a corpus of 36 DSALs covering the space, discuss a set of design considerations, and provide a taxonomy of DSAL implementation approaches. This work serves as a frame of reference to DSAL and DSL researchers, enabling further advances in the field, and to developers as a guide for DSAL implementations.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-44

Thermal-Aware Scheduling in Green Data Centers

Muhammad Tayyab Chaudhry; Teck Chaw Ling; Atif Manzoor; Syed Asad Hussain; Jongwon Kim

<jats:p>Data centers can go green by saving electricity in two major areas: computing and cooling. Servers in data centers require a constant supply of cold air from on-site cooling mechanisms for reliability. An increased computational load makes servers dissipate more power as heat and eventually amplifies the cooling load. In thermal-aware scheduling, computations are scheduled with the objective of reducing the data-center-wide thermal gradient, hotspots, and cooling magnitude. Complemented by heat modeling and thermal-aware monitoring and profiling, this scheduling is energy efficient and economical. A survey is presented henceforth of thermal-ware scheduling and associated techniques for green data centers.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-48

Partitioned Global Address Space Languages

Mattias De Wael; Stefan Marr; Bruno De Fraine; Tom Van Cutsem; Wolfgang De Meuter

<jats:p>The Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model is a parallel programming model that aims to improve programmer productivity while at the same time aiming for high performance. The main premise of PGAS is that a globally shared address space improves productivity, but that a distinction between local and remote data accesses is required to allow performance optimizations and to support scalability on large-scale parallel architectures. To this end, PGAS preserves the global address space while embracing awareness of nonuniform communication costs.</jats:p> <jats:p>Today, about a dozen languages exist that adhere to the PGAS model. This survey proposes a definition and a taxonomy along four axes: how parallelism is introduced, how the address space is partitioned, how data is distributed among the partitions, and finally, how data is accessed across partitions. Our taxonomy reveals that today’s PGAS languages focus on distributing regular data and distinguish only between local and remote data access cost, whereas the distribution of irregular data and the adoption of richer data access cost models remain open challenges.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-27

A Survey of Interactive Remote Rendering Systems

Shu Shi; Cheng-Hsin Hsu

<jats:p>Remote rendering means rendering 3D graphics on a computing device and displaying the results on another computing device connected through a network. The concept was originally developed for sharing computing resources remotely. It has been receiving increasing attention from researchers in both academia and industry in recent years due to the proliferation of cloud computing and mobile devices. In this article, we survey the interactive remote rendering systems proposed in the literature, analyze how to improve the state of the art, and summarize the related technologies. The readers of this article will understand the history of remote rendering systems and obtain some inspirations of the future research directions in this area.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-29

The State of Public Infrastructure-as-a-Service Cloud Security

Wei Huang; Afshar Ganjali; Beom Heyn Kim; Sukwon Oh; David Lie

<jats:p>The public Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud industry has reached a critical mass in the past few years, with many cloud service providers fielding competing services. Despite the competition, we find some of the security mechanisms offered by the services to be similar, indicating that the cloud industry has established a number of “best-practices,” while other security mechanisms vary widely, indicating that there is also still room for innovation and experimentation. We investigate these differences and possible underlying reasons for it. We also contrast the security mechanisms offered by public IaaS cloud offerings and with security mechanisms proposed by academia over the same period. Finally, we speculate on how industry and academia might work together to solve the pressing security problems in public IaaS clouds going forward.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-31

Energy-Efficient Networking Solutions in Cloud-Based Environments

Fahimeh Alizadeh Moghaddam; Patricia Lago; Paola Grosso

<jats:p> The energy consumed by data centers hosting cloud services is increasing enormously. This brings the need to reduce energy consumption of different components in data centers. In this work, we focus on energy efficiency of the networking component. However, how different networking solutions impact energy consumption is still an open question. We investigate the state of the art in energy-efficient networking solutions in cloud-based environments. We follow a systematic literature review method to select primary studies. We create a metamodel based on the codes extracted from our primary studies using the Coding analytical method. Our findings show three abstraction levels of the proposed networking solutions to achieve energy efficiency in cloud-based environments: Strategy, Solution, and Technology. We study the historical trends in the investigated solutions and conclude that the emerging and most widely adopted one is the <jats:italic>Decision framework</jats:italic> . </jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-32

Cloud Computing Resource Scheduling and a Survey of Its Evolutionary Approaches

Zhi-Hui Zhan; Xiao-Fang Liu; Yue-Jiao Gong; Jun Zhang; Henry Shu-Hung Chung; Yun Li

<jats:p>A disruptive technology fundamentally transforming the way that computing services are delivered, cloud computing offers information and communication technology users a new dimension of convenience of resources, as services via the Internet. Because cloud provides a finite pool of virtualized on-demand resources, optimally scheduling them has become an essential and rewarding topic, where a trend of using Evolutionary Computation (EC) algorithms is emerging rapidly. Through analyzing the cloud computing architecture, this survey first presents taxonomy at two levels of scheduling cloud resources. It then paints a landscape of the scheduling problem and solutions. According to the taxonomy, a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art approaches is presented systematically. Looking forward, challenges and potential future research directions are investigated and invited, including real-time scheduling, adaptive dynamic scheduling, large-scale scheduling, multiobjective scheduling, and distributed and parallel scheduling. At the dawn of Industry 4.0, cloud computing scheduling for cyber-physical integration with the presence of big data is also discussed. Research in this area is only in its infancy, but with the rapid fusion of information and data technology, more exciting and agenda-setting topics are likely to emerge on the horizon.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-33

Taxonomy and Survey of Collaborative Intrusion Detection

Emmanouil Vasilomanolakis; Shankar Karuppayah; Max Mühlhäuser; Mathias Fischer

<jats:p>The dependency of our society on networked computers has become frightening: In the economy, all-digital networks have turned from facilitators to drivers; as cyber-physical systems are coming of age, computer networks are now becoming the central nervous systems of our physical world—even of highly critical infrastructures such as the power grid. At the same time, the 24/7 availability and correct functioning of networked computers has become much more threatened: The number of sophisticated and highly tailored attacks on IT systems has significantly increased. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are a key component of the corresponding defense measures; they have been extensively studied and utilized in the past. Since conventional IDSs are not scalable to big company networks and beyond, nor to massively parallel attacks, Collaborative IDSs (CIDSs) have emerged. They consist of several monitoring components that collect and exchange data. Depending on the specific CIDS architecture, central or distributed analysis components mine the gathered data to identify attacks. Resulting alerts are correlated among multiple monitors in order to create a holistic view of the network monitored. This article first determines relevant requirements for CIDSs; it then differentiates distinct building blocks as a basis for introducing a CIDS design space and for discussing it with respect to requirements. Based on this design space, attacks that evade CIDSs and attacks on the availability of the CIDSs themselves are discussed. The entire framework of requirements, building blocks, and attacks as introduced is then used for a comprehensive analysis of the state of the art in collaborative intrusion detection, including a detailed survey and comparison of specific CIDS approaches.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-33

Remote Data Auditing in Cloud Computing Environments

Mehdi Sookhak; Abdullah Gani; Hamid Talebian; Adnan Akhunzada; Samee U. Khan; Rajkumar Buyya; Albert Y. Zomaya

<jats:p>Cloud computing has emerged as a long-dreamt vision of the utility computing paradigm that provides reliable and resilient infrastructure for users to remotely store data and use on-demand applications and services. Currently, many individuals and organizations mitigate the burden of local data storage and reduce the maintenance cost by outsourcing data to the cloud. However, the outsourced data is not always trustworthy due to the loss of physical control and possession over the data. As a result, many scholars have concentrated on relieving the security threats of the outsourced data by designing the Remote Data Auditing (RDA) technique as a new concept to enable public auditability for the stored data in the cloud. The RDA is a useful technique to check the reliability and integrity of data outsourced to a single or distributed servers. This is because all of the RDA techniques for single cloud servers are unable to support data recovery; such techniques are complemented with redundant storage mechanisms. The article also reviews techniques of remote data auditing more comprehensively in the domain of the distributed clouds in conjunction with the presentation of classifying ongoing developments within this specified area. The thematic taxonomy of the distributed storage auditing is presented based on significant parameters, such as scheme nature, security pattern, objective functions, auditing mode, update mode, cryptography model, and dynamic data structure. The more recent remote auditing approaches, which have not gained considerable attention in distributed cloud environments, are also critically analyzed and further categorized into three different classes, namely, replication based, erasure coding based, and network coding based, to present a taxonomy. This survey also aims to investigate similarities and differences of such a framework on the basis of the thematic taxonomy to diagnose significant and explore major outstanding issues.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-34

A Survey of CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Computing Techniques

Sparsh Mittal; Jeffrey S. Vetter

<jats:p>As both CPUs and GPUs become employed in a wide range of applications, it has been acknowledged that both of these Processing Units (PUs) have their unique features and strengths and hence, CPU-GPU collaboration is inevitable to achieve high-performance computing. This has motivated a significant amount of research on heterogeneous computing techniques, along with the design of CPU-GPU fused chips and petascale heterogeneous supercomputers. In this article, we survey Heterogeneous Computing Techniques (HCTs) such as workload partitioning that enable utilizing both CPUs and GPUs to improve performance and/or energy efficiency. We review heterogeneous computing approaches at runtime, algorithm, programming, compiler, and application levels. Further, we review both discrete and fused CPU-GPU systems and discuss benchmark suites designed for evaluating Heterogeneous Computing Systems (HCSs). We believe that this article will provide insights into the workings and scope of applications of HCTs to researchers and motivate them to further harness the computational powers of CPUs and GPUs to achieve the goal of exascale performance.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science.

Pp. 1-35